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Jungkook was dying from the subtle suspense.

Yoongi and him were almost done with the music project, and not once had the elder even brought up what made Jungkook late, despite seeming so worried earlier.

"For this part, do you think you can hum the melody a little slower? You're not matching well with the flow." Yoongi said. Jungkook broke out in a small sweat. Had he been wanting to just go to his room so badly to avoid confrontation, that he's been rushing? Would Yoongi ask what was bothering him to have better material for his project? What should he say?

"Jungkook? You going to answer?"

Jungkook jumped a bit at the sound of his name and nodded, giving a small yeah, as yoongi passed him the small microphone and gestured towards his closet.

Once Jungkook came out again, he noticed all of Yoongi's materials out of sight as the older was sitting at his desk.

"Put the recording on my nightstand. I'll work on the rest later." Yoongi instructed before spinning around in his chair to face Jungkook, who sat on the bed, after doing what he was told to do.

"Don't you have to finish this tonight?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi spun from side to side before giving a light shrug.

"I can turn it in a day late. It won't be the end of the world." He said. The two stayed quiet for a good minute or so, before Yoongi had spoken up again.

"Speaking of the end of the world," the shorter of the two started, "why are you acting like you're going through it? Anything on your mind?" Jungkook knew that by just asking this, Yoongi was showing him probably the most care and affection he's ever given anyone. That meant a lot to Jungkook, making it harder for him to not say anything.

He wanted to just scream everything out, and he wanted Yoongi to know. He was knowledgeable, and wise for his age. Maybe he could give advice?

He can't say that he hung out with someone like Taehyung, and especially not that they met at a bar. Despite being of age, Yoongi had forbid him from going to one.

That's when Jungkook had an idea. He didn't have to tell EVERYTHING, right? Then it wouldn't be lying.

"Well I met, um, this guy and-"

"You met... a guy?" Yoongi asked, though in a way that made Jungkook wonder if he meant it in a question, or just repeating it to process the thought. After all, Yoongi knew about Jungkook's preference for women.

"Yeah, and well, today I saw him again, and he's just been on my mind."

Yoongi nodded to show he understood, and opened his mouth to speak but shut it like he was looking for the right words.

"Is... that why you were late?" Yoongi carefully asked. Jungkook gave a quizzical expression, until he knew what the older meant as he took notice of how tense Yoongi seemed.

"Oh my- no! It's just he said some stuff that got me thinking and it's been on my mind because I just can't seem to let go of it! I've basically just met him and I'm not ready to be in a committed relationship, especially with a guy! Much less fool around with one." Jungkook rambled. Yoongi's body subconsciously relaxed as Jungkook went on.

Hearing the younger talk, it didn't matter about what, seemed to always relax him to a certain extent.

"... but I mean, I know we met at a bar but he was nice! Well..."

Scratch that. Not everything that spilled from Jungkook's mouth pleased Yoongi.

"You met him where?" Yoongi asked, his eyes narrowing at Jungkook's now frozen form. Yoongi could see Jungkook sweating bullets.

"W-well, I mean, it was my birthday and I wanted to treat myself to a drink..." Jungkook muttered.

"Okay, but why didn't you tell me? You said you were going for a late night snack at the convenience store that night. What if you just disappeared? Do you have any idea how bad that night could've ended up? Especially because I didn't know, and you lied?" Yoongi lectured. Jungkook knew that it was all because Yoongi cared for him like he was his own brother, but sometimes it was a little too much for his liking.

"Yeah, but nothing happened. Look, I'm alive. I'm breathing. Isn't this enough?" Jungkook questioned, demonstrating his well-being by standing and walking around the room before going back to his spot on the unused bed.

Jungkook continued, saying, "Besides, if I did tell you, you wouldn't have let me gone! It's suffocating sometimes. You treat me like I'm a child, which I'm not. I'm of age, for crying out loud. That says something, doesn't it?"

Yoongi sighed as he shook his head. "Just because you're an adult by law, doesn't mean that any decision you make is suddenly amazing and flawless when you wake up on your birthday. You have to understand what you did was irresponsible, and that you should try and do the right thing next time."

"Oh, okay. So I guess I have ask for permission to take a piss and shit from now on too, right?"

"Jungkook. Stop it."

"Why? You're saying I'm so irresponsible that I can't even go out without letting you know!"

"You lied to me. If you just asked, I-"

"You would've said no. Don't go saying you would have thought about it, because you wouldn't have. Ever since my birthday, it's like you've tried harder than before to keep me from leaving your side. I'm an full fledged adult now, and even I need space sometimes." Jungkook's tone grew softer with each syllable that he spoke. Yoongi's gaze visibly softened as Jungkook said that last of his words as well.

"You're... right. I'm sorry."

Jungkook felt really horrible. He could see regret swimming in Yoongi's dark eyes, because of him. Not only that but like the older said before, Jungkook lied to him, he broke the rule about visiting nightclubs and bars, he made Yoongi feel so bad as to apologize, and to top it all off, he's hiding about the rest of the content from Taehyung's encounter that is critical.

What should Jungkook say? What was something Jungkook could say?

"I'm really sorry. I'll be in my room if you need me."

This was Jungkook's own complication that he didn't want Yoongi to stress over.

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