My Luna

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Hunter (POV)

The rain had wash our bloods as my breath was now smelling of the rogues before me.

I had killed two of the rouges by tearing out its jugular.  The other four just attack without a hint of warning.

I was tired, Tray was tired but we continue to fight for dominance. I am an Alpha and I'll be damn if I let some wild animals get the better of me.

3 of the rouges had jumped on my back while I heard the fourth rogue near my mate.  How the hell did I end up so far away from TY.  Even if I had time to throw the wolves off my back I wouldn't make it in time to tear the rogue who threatens my mate.

I felt a gnaw at at my back as teeth had sunk into my skin letting out a yelp. My vision was hazy but that didn't stop me from throwing up to the side. Once again my attention turned towards TY as the rogue inched himself closer baring it's fangs.

Taylor, I growled.  All that could be heard is our paws splashing in the puddle of rain which wasn't stopping anytime sooner. Pebbles flew against my stomps, my teeth baring its low growl warning for the rogue to submit to me. My eyes had darken fully as I let Tray take control of my mind.

He wanted retribution for even thinking that they could let a singel paw let alone a snarl towards my mate.

My heart had exhilarated as I continue to dive for my mate in hopes I would make it in time.

Growls could be heard as the rain had blocked my vision. Howling and growling in the process I attempted to dive forth not minding all the obstacles in my way, not minding that the 3 other rogues where nipping at my tail, no my fully attention was at the rogue ahead of me.

He growled with a whimper and soon the growl from that rogue had died down as his heart beat slowly decreased.

All my mind could think of was TY.  The other 3 wolves continue to nipped me from behind as the fourth rogue laid dead on the cold hard ground I stopped in my tracts giving the opportunity for the rogue to jump on me.

Not caring what just happened, I felt the other rogues had jumped on my back until I see her. 

Her fur had light the way, it was dripping in water.  Her eyes blue like the ocean. Her paws prayed the ground as she had bared her fangs before her. It was the first time seeing her, as she had growled and dived underneath the wolves to throw them off of me.

They had yelped as they landed their backs on the tree behind them.

Starring into the eyes of my mate, she sniffed the air around her. Her tail had wagged in excitement as her tongue hung out with pure innocence.

Feeling her snout on my face, she licked me as I stood on all fours.

It was like nothing else mattered as I gazed into her soft blue eyes.  She nuzzled into my neck, Mia, Taylor. I felt her. Her warmth, it was euphoric.

Licking her jaw we were interrupted as the 3 wolves had circled around us like vultures to a pray. 

Back to back, TY and I stood firm as we both had barked hoping they would step away. That wasn't going to happen though. Rogues lost all common sense. They lost the part of themselves that makes them human. It's sad because now they are more beast then anything and we have to put them down for other's sake.

Soon they had attacked, and so did we. I made sure to keep close to Taylor. We fought, our fighting was in sync even though we have never fought side by side before but it was like we were one mind.

I had watch as my mate had pinned down a rogue with her jaws as she had tore his head off. I must say that was hot to see such a sight as I had also killed a rogue with my bare fangs.

Though fighting these wolves with my mate this is probably the happiest day to be fighting side by side with my mate, Taylor.

We worked hand in hand as we had decapitated the wolves in front of us.

As if the gods know what transpired, the rain had died down washing all trails of blood away. The rogues laid dead before us as silence over took these woods.

Trotting up to Taylor I stood before her. My wolf looming her small petite frame cocking my head to the side as I had watch Mia let Taylor take over. Course she was still wary of me but in her wolf form from what Tray has told me from Mia, Taylor will be fine and she will help her get through what ever she is feeling.

As the sun had slowly risen, we had awoke in a wolves form. She had laid beneath me while my ears were on high alert as she had slept next to me.

Licking her fur I made sure she was cleaned from the stenches of those wolves.

We would've shifted back but with having no clothes it was best to be as we are besides this would be faster to travel home.

Standing on all fours Taylor and I just looked at each other. Our tongues hanging out as we had nuzzled each other. I felt her love, her heart, now this was euphoric. This was bliss as we both on all four paws started our journey home, I knew she would be okay, that we would be okay. We may have had some hardships but it made me stronger, it made me....

As I felt her shifted her paws next to mine, she looked up at me. Mia had sent images of what Taylor is looking forward too, and with pups of our own. I could feel she's still a bit sore from what had happened within the year but with time and patience we will get there, I will give her what she desires most now that I have my mate, My Luna.

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