Tears of Blood

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My toes barely touch the cold hard floor as it swings ever so slightly back and forth. Barely able to see let alone feel any more pain as my skin began to tear a new layer of flesh.

From my head to toe I was covered in gashes wishing I was dead as blood pooled right below my feet. My blood.

My arms stretch out from chain to chain as it burns on contact from wolves bane.

No matter how much I screamed, no matter how much I had called for help, my words, my voice only bounced off this cold hard room. My pleas were useless, my cries inevitable, and death, well death seems to laugh at me from every corner.

Mia was tired. And I don't blame her. She has been trying to take half of the pain I was feeling. She is weak, though she continues to try I could feel her weakening in my mind. Taylor. 'Mia.' Don't worry it will be all over soon. She tried comforting me even in her weaken state but I knew what is to come.

Another slash to marred my skin on my back. My torn clothes barely kept me covered, no shoes to keep my toes at bay, nothing but that tiny light bulb hanging from the ceiling, the only thing I am hoping it would shield me from the pain I am in.

"Please." My voice cracked, no longer recognizable as a guard continued to whip me across my bare back.

It's only been a day and I think it's night. It's been hours since I was brought here by one of Hunter's guard.

So this is what she meant what she wanted some fun.

The whip that they had used was also covered in wolves bane, so not only did it marred my skin but it felt like burning in acid.

With my head hung low, I lack the energy to voice out my screams. My vision blurred in front of me and the only thing I could hear is the sound of my shallow breaths.

My ears perked up when the door, the large door had creaked and the lashing had stop.

I don't care even if its just a few minutes but I will take this time to revel in this moment.

A new sound of tapping heels had approached me. To weak to even hold my head up high to meet my visitor until I felt a sting across my face.

"Wake up bitch." Rachel slapped me with her fake pedicured nails.

My eyes had burned trying to open as I glance at her. "Please, Rachel, I will leave quietly. You win." My resolved to even stake Hunter as mine had weakened. For now I just want to leave in peace away from this wolf community. I'll go with the humans and be just like one of them. "Rachel no more, please."

She soon threw fits of laughter, "You're so pathetic." She sneered.

"Why? You already taken Hunter from me, why put me through this?"

Her nails soon dug deep in my scalp grabbing a bunch of my hair pulling it back, "Oh honey, this was Hunter's idea."

Hunter? This was his idea to torture me? If kissing her in front of me is not torture enough then I don't know what is. But who knew Hunter could be this cruel?

I am already broken. He broke me in every way possible. My tears was already dried up. I didn't have the energy to cry nor scream.

Just then another visitor made his appearance, Hunter.

He just looked at me emotionless. There was nothing. Okay I get he choose Rachel as his mate, but we were friends, right. Wasn't I his friend, best friend. Did he forget all those times we partied, skip school, and pick up girls.

"TY." He spoke my name before caressing my face.

Though I feel no sparks I missed his touch, that is until I felt another sting on my face. Unlike Rachel who slap me, he punched me.

I get that we had wrestled during school but he wouldn't caused me this much pain.

I can't wait to get rid of you. His words had broken me even more. But what's worse is that I don't think it was Hunter speaking but his wolf Tray when his eyes had darkened.

Though Mia was weak I let her take control to talk to Tray who is her mate, Tray, you don't deserve us. I'd rather die to be your mate. I do hope you wont regret you decision because I promise you this, this will be the last time I will let you do this to TY.

Mia spoke affirmatively before letting me take control.

Hunter smirked, grabbing Rachel and they left leaving me to be tortured once again.

On the second day, I was not whip lash. The had left me all morning and I for one am glad. I couldn't sit, or leaned back, my wounds are still fresh.

My heart had beat faster when the door had open and that's usually never a good thing.



"Oh Jesus, TY." I couldn't tell from his expression, I can barely make out his figure but the sound of his voice was comforting. "Fucking Hunter, how could he do this to you?"

I sobbed, I wanted to cry in his arms but I was in chains.

"I promise you TY I will do everything to get you out of here." I could only nod my head. "I don't know what's gotten into Hunter but lately he's been irritable and edgy. His anger has everyone on edge."

Frankly I could care less about the almighty Alpha and his mood swings.

"Just hang on in there, I tried talking to Hunter but that fucking bastard is always cooped up in his room with Rachel doing god knows what."

Handing out some bread and apple, "Here eat this, and save your strength."

At this point I didn't care if I ate or not, live or die but he did get me food so I graciously took it.

"Sorry it's all I could take. If Hunter finds out well he might kill me. Eat, I'll be back later."

Waiting till he left, I threw the food aside. Sure I was hungry but if I eat that will only prolong my life and I don't want that. I'm just waiting for death.

On the third day, late after noon two guards opened my cage, they had put a metal collar on me like you would a dog as they led me out by a long metal leash.

I walked through the corridor as a sea of wolves stared at me, I'm surprise I can still walk. This time they were no remarks or insults, more like pity looks. At the end right by the door awaits Hunter, Rachel and his parents.

"Oh sweet heart." His mother Jill wrapped a shawl around me to cover up my flesh. My clothes all torn and ragged, my hair unkempt. His mother may be sweet but she didn't even stop Hunter's assault. His father of course is worse as he mocked me all the way towards the door.

"TY." My attention turned towards Chris before he took my hands in his palm. They felt safe, comforting, and warm. He smiled before hugging me one last time.

There I was met with the bounty hunters as my guards gave them my leash.

"Wait!" Before they could escort me out, Hunter stopped them in their tracks. Maybe he changed his mind, maybe he says he regrets doing any of this things to me.

Though I was hopefully I doubted any of those thoughts.

Looking up at Hunter he smiled before whispering, "I hope they kill you."

No more, no more feelings, no more pain, no more light, my heart went up in flames that day, I smiled my one last smile before saying "I hate you."

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