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Hunter (POV)

Loud commotions filled the entire room.  Before I could announce it in my own way Rachel beat me to it.

Now everyone was excited that the next Alpha will be born soon. 

"Quiet."  I bellowed.

"Son I'm so pleased that you have born the next Alpha but..."

"No buts dad, I already told you I have a mate."

Everyone gasped.  I had forgotten only a few knew I had found my true mate and it wasn't Rachel.  In fact why was she here when I had banished her.

"Son what are you saying, forget about your mate and mate with Rachel.  You and I both know what would happen to your pup if you mark your mate now."

Rachel smirked knowing what my dad said was true.  I should've mark TY then none of this would've happen.  If I had marked him it would be impossible for me to pregnant someone else.  Fuck it all to hell.

"Dad if you had a choice between your mate and someone else who would you choose."  My father clammed up and so did everyone else.

They know how important mates are.

"Then Hunter tell us who is your mate?"  Chris asked.


Chris laughed and so did everyone else, "Tell us this is a joke, he's a guy..."

When he didn't see me laughing he continued, "Oh your serious."

"What the fuck Hunter, your mate is a guy?"  My father boomed once again, "That's it you have to mate with Rachel.  How can your reproduce if your mate is a guy?"

He paused, "Chris who is this TY?"  I have never introduce TY to my parents.  Knowing their hatred for humans.

"He is a friend at school and a human."

My father's vein popped, "A fucking human, Hunter you can't mate a bastard of a human...."

"Don't fucking call him that."  I yelled in my Alpha tone.  My dad was no longer an alpha so what he says does not effect me, "What I decided is totally my decision.  Is that clear?"  My voice projected towards everyone.

Most of the wolves know of TY well those that attended school so they know not to mess with him on my orders.



Two months has pass since I found out Hunter is having a pup with Rachel.  He hasn't spoken or looked at me every since.  Sure we passed by each other but its as if we were just strangers.

And everyone here pays no mind to me.  Every once in a while I would get glares or a look of disgust on their expressions but who am I to care.  The girls wouldn't even glance at me.  Not to say I was popular but I was well known among the girls.  Something in my gut tells me something's not right.

I had a lot of plate on my mind.  When he contacted me not to long ago asking me to go home.  Fuck that after all the torture he put me through.

It's almost time.  It's almost her death anniversary and I'm assuming he'll be there.  I always skip going to see her but I'm 16 and I'm strong enough to handle him.

Leaving the building I saw Rachel with a group of her friends, her belly protruding and Hunter at her side.  The look like a loving family. 

Walking up to the group I called out for him, "Hunter."  He looked up at me, his face filled with guilt and remorse.  Before he could walk up to me Rachel clung onto his arms where he shook her off.

"TY."  He inhaled.

"I'm happy for you, as long as your happy.  Your dreams are coming true to be with your one true love."  I could see he was heart broken.  But I had to say what I had to say.  This will be the last time I probably get to be near him.

"TY, I told everyone in my pack you're my mate."

"I see, but you made your choice all ready.  And I'm not mad."

Hunter looked back at Rachel and I saw the love he had for his pup, "I'm sorry."  He looked backed at me. 

"Don't be..."

"We'll still hang out right?"

I only nodded my head afraid to break down in tears.  No we probably wont.  I said in my head.

Tell him.  No I scolded.  If you don't I will.  Don't you dare.


"Huh."  Hunter shook me bringing me back to reality.

"Where were you, it's like you were far away."

"No I'm here...."

"TY are you okay?"  He asked concerned.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why do I get the feeling you're saying good bye.  You're not leaving are you?"

I smiled at him, and on my tip toe a kissed him on the cheek, "Go back to Rachel, she needs you more than me."  Turning around on my heel I left towards my home.

Finally at home I packed a few things, in a small bag mostly clothes.  It was time to stop hiding.

I heard that a pack was rampaging other packs for territory.  There was a rumor that their Alpha is vicious.  I also heard that Hunter's pack had fought said pack but never really dealt with their Alpha.

How did I hear, people talk well the wolves talk, I just didn't say anything.

Sighing I looked back at my house one last time, it's time I told my self.  I glance at the ring on my finger I wore not once taking it off me.  It was a white hollow platinum ring with a ruby red gem in the center decorated with a touch of wolves bane. 

Taking the ring off I placed it on my front porch.  Are you ready?  Ready as I'll every be.

Within seconds I shifted into my silver wolf Mia shredding my clothes and carrying my bag in my mouth before running off into the woods.  Alpha Conrad here we come.

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