Alpha Conrad

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This cell was worse. I haven't eaten in days. And I lost track of the time. There were no windows. Whether its morning or night I couldn't tell.

My skin was no longer silky and smooth. It was filled with blood grimed and piss.

The other wolves thought pissing on me would be a fun game.

The collar around my neck seared my skin beneath tearing the muscles and bones in its path. And that's not the worse parts. The inside of my throat had scars that only I could imagine. The guards that bounded my hands and feet laughed and mocked me. Every day its the same torture as the had pour wolves bane down my throat using a small funnel.

I haven't spoken in days, even if I wanted to speak I don't think I could.

And Mia I haven't heard from her since I arrived in this forsaken place. I miss her voice. She would sooth me. In the past she was my comfort, now silence is all I'm met with. Is she even still with me? No longer do I feel her. The first time that he tortured me, the one person who was suppose to protect me, Mia had done all in her power to heal me. However my scars had run deep that even she had her own limits. I don't blame her though for not healing me completely. It was useless considering I just get new scars on me.

As my face planted on the ground, the gravel beneath me shook as loud clattering foot steps approached. My cell door creaked with every move it made.

"Look up at me." This voice had frightened me. It haunted me even in my sleep, it was a voice I would never forget.

My neck stretch towards the man he stood tall and proud at his accomplishment. He only looked at me with an evil smile as he continue to shame me. His eyes dark with the desire to torment me more.

"Guard." He called. Two of his guards came forth and with a knowing nod from the man the two guards yanked me up to my feet. It was hard standing with all the burns it had gotten.

Oh what fun have they plan for me today.

Dragging me outside, I watch them bounds my hands on a jeep as one of the guard had gotten in at the drivers side.

Starting up the car, it flew at full speed with me at the back tied as I was dragged across the field. I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry, all my body was use to the numbing sensation.

All now, all now was I had to do was wait for my pending death to come.

The other wolves who only watch threw rocks at me. I didn't care. I guess this is what I deserve. It's all my fault.

Abruptly stopping the car, the wolves that were once mocking me were now on high alert as another set of wolves charged. I couldn't see what was going on, but I could feel and hear what was happening. The ground had thundered below me.

Maybe these set of wolves would do me a favor and put me out of my misery.

"What are you doing in my territory." The man proud as he is growled at the trespassers.

"You have something that belongs to me Alpha Conrad." Are my ears deceiving me? I would recognize that voice. No. He can't be here. Maybe I'm dreaming. He should be in his lands with Rachel. After all it was only a couple days ago when I had felt the mate bond shatter. My mark no longer evident. Well it could hardly be called a mark now.

"Where the hell is she?" I heard that voice belonging to Hunter growl back. Who is he talking about. Certainly not me.

Alpha Conrad laughed jolting the entire field, "I'm sorry pup but you must be mistaken, you have returned what belongs to me in the first place."

The guards who had took me here was shielding me in plain sight.

"I will rip this lands to shred if you do not give her back to me." Soon a bunch of growls could be heard.

"Again, you were the one that gave her up, so now she is mine."

Hunter snarled as I heard his foot steps shuffling, "Do not challenge me. I will be taking her back whether you like it or not."

"Oh I see she's your mate." Alpha Conrad cackled, "My darling daughter has a mate of her own."

Soon gasps could be heard from the field, "Daughter?" Hunter asked shocked. "Your daughter? You put a bounty on your own daughter's head?" If I was able to see him, I could almost see the rage building inside.

For a few seconds it almost touch me, almost. I don't care if he is here. I don't care if he is once again claiming me as his. He gave me up. He choose Rachel over me. I will never forgive him for this.

"So what, she is my daughter, I created her, and If I want to do what ever I want to her then I will."

"She is your daughter!"

"You pup have no right to speak to me as if I'm doing something wrong. You gave her to me in the condition she was in, I only continued what you wanted to do to her."

Though I couldn't see what was happening, I heard he flinch and I could pretend I saw guilt in his eyes that is if I could even see him.

"You want her, I will allow for you to see her pup." Bending down, I felt Alpha Conrad's hands on my hair as he had pulled me up and threw me back on the ground like some ragged doll.

"TY." Hunter sobbed. Now that Hunter is in reach I could feel a slither of what he was feeling. Pain, remorse, guilt, burning hatred and rage.

"What the fuck did you do to her?"

"I did what you were suppose to do other than beat her."

Slow foot steps were heard, "Come closer pup and I will do her a favor and end her pathetic miserable life." Alpha Conrad threaten then laughed manically.

Once again bending down, he whispered to me, "If you hadn't run away darling I would not be killing your mate now would I." If I could cry I would. If I could speak I'd shout.

He was never like this.

"This daughter of mine deserves far worse than death pup, now go back or you and your pathetic pack will die here." He threaten.

Hunter only growled, soon I heard clothes tearing into pieces, bones cracking oh shit, who shifted.

Growls echoed throughout the night, bodies fell to the ground, rubble's flew everywhere, blood colored the moon, this felt like a massacre and I'm in the middle of it.

Something on my face I knew it was a tail seeming to shield me from the chaos. Then a snout had pressed my cheeks. It was soothing. It sent me shivers, it gave me tingles, Tray! Hunter's wolf.

Tray had whimpered as I felt his ears pressed against my chest possibly listening for a heart beat that's possible dying.

A warm tongue slid down my skin, soothing the aches and burns.

Though I'm still mad at him, it felt like home. It was nostalgic in a way. From my days of captivity, for the first time in a long time I felt safe.

Bones ones again cracking as gentle hands had picked me up cradling me, feeling his warm naked flesh, "Fuck Ty." Hunter sobbed. He was crying. "I'm so sorry, please..." His voices trailed off. What happened to Alpha Conrad? Wasn't he just fighting with him a few minutes ago?

"Alpha we have to go, Ty needs medical attention." I smiled at that voice, Chris. I don't know what he did but if I could I want to thank him. If I could I want to hug him. If only I could I would want to punch and kick this stupid alpha.

Hunter with a very gentle touch lifted me up as if I was a porcelain doll. Something so fragile and easily broken. He was speaking in hush tones, pleading begging for forgiveness. And asking me not to give up. Who the hell does he think he is? Telling me what to do. If I want to give up then I will. I am tired. So very tired. My breath waned, my heart slowly dying. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm tired. I want to sleep. Sleep, I can finally sleep.

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