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The weekend was long and I wish I could say i had a very busy day but that'd be a total lie. My weekend consist of watching movies and binging on ice cream.

Hunter had been calling me non stop. He should know, how dare he ditch me for a skank. Isn't it bros before hoes. I get that they have been friends even before I came along but can't he see she's just another dumb bimbo. Hunter can do so much better than her. All I want is what's best for him even if it means killing the bitch off.

Hell if he wants a girlfriend I'd find him one. I know plenty of nice girls out there.

Walking down the school corridor I froze when I saw Hunter's arm wrapped around Rachel. He stop to stare at me and for a split second his eyes were full on black but now they are not. 'I don't believe it.' My inner voice spoke.

Slowly going up to them, "Yo, how's it feel to be old?" I smiled ignoring Rachel.

Hunter just looked at me like he grew two heads. "Hunt..." I called out. A nick name i had given him.

He turned his attention to Rachel, "Let's go babe." Grabbing her hand, I watch them walked down the hall.

Well that was rude. I know I haven't spoken to him all weekend but I was venting.

Throughout the day Hunter did a good job avoiding me.

I thought I would let him cool himself off.

Hunter and I don't have classes together. He is two years older than me, making me 16. It's a shame. I thought it'd be fun being in the same class that way I can play keep away with that hoe he calls a girlfriend.

Dragging my feet to my empty home, I lazily plopped on my sofa. It was quiet. It's been quiet for years now. Though Hunter and I would chill at my place I am use to the silence. At least I don't have someone telling me when to be home or to do chores.

With nothing to do I decided to head down to the club. On a school night. Time to get smash although considering I don't remember ever getting trash though I tried.

So here I am at my usually hang out spot. The smell of beer, sweat, and hot sex lingered in the air.

People were either playing pool, having a drinking match, or dry humping each other. As for me I grabbed a whole bottle of jack daniel and down the whole thing in one go.

"Hey sexy." I turned to my right to find a brunette bimbo smiling at me.

If it weren't for her slutty outfit she might've earn a compliment from me.

"Piss off." I took another drink. Who knew I was that angry.

"Oh what crawled up your sexy ass." Her words slurred. She was drunk, thankfully I was not.

She then trailed her fingers up my arms, when a man who looked like the size of a gorilla stomped towards me jerking me away from the brunette, "Are you hitting on my girl?"

Okay, why is it always the men's fault. If a girl talks to him, it's the guys fault for even looking.

"I have no interest in ugly bitches." I spat. I saw his jaw tick as my eyes traveled up to his freakishly large face and tall frame. I gulped. I shouldn't have said anything and just walk away. "I'm sorry...." I timidly said. I know I can hold my own, I mean Hunter and I wrestle a lot but when a man four times your size looks down on you, you need to learn to walk away.

"I should bash your pretty little face in."

I trembled, I am quite fond of my face and wish not for it to get bruised. "Um...your girl is lovely..."

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