On no Man's Land

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Hunter (POV)

After TY's emotional break down, we were back on the road.  Every so often I would glance at her and saw that she was fumbling with her fingers.

Though she was now speaking even if only a few words, she still reacted to every movement I had made.  She was wary of me, that I know of.  She shouldn't be though.  I will show her I am the least of her worries.

Her eyes had caught mine before she quickly looked away.

"Are you hungry?"

Raising her head, she slightly nodded.  I know we must go back home but I wanted to be with her even for a little while longer before Lisa does more tests on her and my parents starts giving her attention that should've been ages ago.

I wanted to make sure she's okay before we go back home, I want to fully bring back my mate.

Pulling up into a small diner, I opened her door for her, grabbing her hand gently which she still flinched at my touch, and led her into the small building.

We sat here quietly looking at the menu.

"Is there anything you would like to eat?"

She shrugged her shoulders timidly.

A young lady with curly blond hair approached our table smiling, "What will..." Taking one look at me she had inched her self closer, "I suggest you order this one here."  Bending down, she rubbed her chest against my arms while pointing to a dish on the menu.

TY made no sign that she was remotely jealous.  I guess I have my work cut out for me.

Leaning away I dismiss the lady, "We are here to eat now please take our order."  I smiled sweetly not wanting to have our food be spat on.

"Sure thing."

I had order something from the lunch menu and ordered TY's lunch too.

After a while our food made it to our table and TY sat there just staring.

Smiling I cut her meat and started to feed her.  At first she was hesitant but soon opened her mouth.

Though we weren't talking much, Tray liked the fact that she was here eating and she even let me feed her.

Laughter from across this diner was soon heard.  It was an obnoxious laughter that you just wanted to shove the fork down their throats.  Can they be any more rude?

Of course they can when the men who were laughing a few minutes ago decided to interrupt our meal.

"Are you Alpha Hunter."  The big man gruffly spoke.

TY had startled as I watch her sink back into her seat.

Wolves I thought.  "If you don't mind we would like to enjoy our meal."  I calmly said.

This place here was filled with wolves.  But we paid no mind attention to that.

The wolf then glared at TY.  I didn't like the look on his face when he glanced at my mate.

"And that must be Alpha Conrad's daughter."  They laughed, "I heard she sells her body."  Looking back at me he snarled, "When you're through with her how bout we give it a go."

Tray didn't like the fact that these wolves just insulted our mate, hell I didn't like the fact the way they were looking at her at all.  Standing up to my feet I towered over him who stood proud and tall as if he could take on an Alpha.  "What the hell did you say pup?"

The wolf and his friends stood firm looking at me directly in the eyes.  Such disrespect when you are facing an Alpha.

"I said..." He continued.

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