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Hunter (POV)

I watched TY laying in the hospital bed as Lisa checks her up.  How could I not know she was a wolf and a girl.

I told you that you are blind to what you saw.  Tray intervened. 'You knew about TY and you didn't tell me?' And why should I?  Regardless if she is a wolf or not, or a man or woman she was still our mate. Tray knew about TY, how did I not know.  I wanted you to see her for what she was and not who she is.  Oh great I have a wolf who sounds like a fortune cookie.

Doesn't matter now does it.  I have TY, after that scare with the rogues I know what I want, I never want to feel that pain of loosing her.  When she wakes up I will mark her.

"Hunter." Rachel hugged me from behind.

Crap forgot about her.  Behind her were my parents and some other wolves, "Is it true?"  My dad asked.

"Is what true?"

"That your mate is a girl and a wolf?" I knew everyone would find out about TY, I didn't think it be that fast.

I smiled.

"What!" Rachel let go of me.  "This can't be.  TY is a male how can he be a she? "

"It seems TY fooled us all."  John huffed.

"That bitch, she's nothing but a liar and a tramp."

I growled at Rachel grabbing her by the neck, "Don't you ever disrespect your future Luna."

"Son release her."  My father ordered.

I shifted my growl towards him, who is he to order me around, none the less I released Rachel, "But anyway you can't mark her even if she is a girl, have you forgotten I'm carrying your pup."

I can't believe this.  Now that I have realized what I want, I can't have it.

"Son, she's right.  You have to let go of your mate.  Don't worry she will find someone else to mate with."

That's the thing I don't want her to find someone else.  She is perfect for me. How'd I not realized sooner. Regardless if she was a male, my body only reacts to her.

"Alpha."  Lisa stepped out of TY's room with a forlorn expression.

"I have bad news. "  She paused,  "She's dying."

"What!"  I boomed.  "It seems her ribs cracked and because of that her blood's been poison, I'm sorry."

"This can't be happening."  When I just got her back only to loose her again.

"Save her please."  I begged.

"I will try everything.  We will run some test on her."  I watch Lisa and some nurses wheel my mate away.

"Son," My father placed a hand on my shoulder, "You have to think rational.  Rachel is carrying the future Alpha, our future Alpha."

I heard what my father was saying.  Is it so wrong to want my mate?  I am against with killing babies it's not in my nature.  There is only one choice to make.  You know the saying, you made your bed now lie in it and I definitely made my bed all right.

What seemed like minutes felt like hours.  The waiting room was quiet.  Except for the constant pacing from my mother.  She look more worried than me.


"Oh Hunter sweety," I leaned my head on her shoulder like I did when I was small.  She would pat my head making all my problems go away.  "Hunter, I know what Rachel and your father has said about your mate but what ever you decided I will support you.  I know how mates are very important to us."

"Thank you mother."

Looking up Lisa came back still with the same expression.  That can't be good.

"Alpha how long have you known her?"

"About 3 years but what's that got to do with her injuries."

Lisa lip tighten before she continued, "She has deep scars running across her back."

What!  The whole room gasped.  Even though she isn't the most popular at the moment they were still here to support their Alpha.

"What do you mean?  If she had a previous encounter her wolf would've healed her."  If the human side gets seriously injured the wolf will instantaneously heal her unless the wolf is injured itself.

"Unfortunately she got those scars before her wolf came along."

I thought I knew TY, apparently I don't know her at all.  Hell I didn't even know she was a wolf let alone a girl.  All those time she walked in the boys locker room with all the wolves naked.  It didn't seemed to phase her.  In fact the more I thought about it the more my wolf and I get agitated.  All those naked men she had seen. 

What about those females that came on to her?  I mean I have seen her kissing and taking them into her home holy fuck I need some answers and I need them now.

"There is a way Alpha," Lisa looked between me and Rachel, "to save her.  She needs to be marked by her mate."

"What!" Rachel shouted.

"Sorry but she needs the strength from her mate in order to live."

"No!  That can't be true, I have a pup here..."  Rachel screamed.

"Isn't there any other way."  If I mate her without her permission I fear for her wrath when she wakes up.

Lisa shook her head, "It's the only way."

"Son, I'm sorry about your mate." 

"No! I am going to mark her."

"No Hunter you can't, our pup?"  Rachel beat on my chest.

"Didn't you hear what Lisa just said, she will die."

"So."  At the moment I wanted to rip out her throat.  How dare she not care about my mate, her Luna.

I could hear commotions of the surrounding wolves that I should just let TY die.  How could they?

"Enough, we all know what happens if we loose our mate."  When your mate dies several things can happen, we loose our wolves, we go insane or we become rogues.

"Unless you want an Alpha to go on a killing spree I suggest you let me do what I need to do.  Besides I will not loose TY again.  She's got a lot of explaining to do."  I mumbled the last part to myself.

"No."  Rachel stood in front of me, arms spread out.  "I won't let you.  If you mark her our pup will die."

"Move." I growled.  When she refused to move I called Chris, "Escort Ms. Morano back to her room." 

Chris picked up a screaming Rachel out of the way.

Sitting next to TY I listened to her waning breath.  Her heart was much slower today.  How could I not see who she was.

After all for a guy she seemed much to pretty to be one.  All the clues were there.  The way she carried herself.  She was much too feminine. 

I could smell her wolf and I can't wait to meet her.  Lowering my head down to her neck, I licked her spot, my teeth sinking and piercing her flesh.  Blood trickled down her skin as I lick to heal her wound. 

A tattoo shaped of two wolves howling at the moon was suddenly formed.

With my senses I could hear Rachel screaming.  She must be in pain.  The nurses and doctors went to her aid while she calls for me. 

I made my choices and I chose my mate.  I closed my eyes, holding her hand, "I'm sorry."

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