Part 17

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omkara's P.O.V:

I swore under my breath as hot white pain shot down my arm from my shoulder. I took another deep breath and ran again and slammed against the door. I can feel the slightly decaying wood giving way under the pressure of my now throbbing shoulder but it was going to take too much time before it breaks apart. Time that I don't have to start with.

"My king." I heard Ajay's voice from behind the door, the title rolling down his tongue in a mocking tone. "If you want to save your beloved whore, I advise you to throw your sword and dagger on the ground and I'll open the door for you."

I could feel my heartbeat racing inside my chest. What was his game? I was sure that Ajay has an alternative goal behind this but I don't have enough time to analyze his motives as his voice confirmed from behind the door. Walking unarmed won't help Gauri at all, it will only turn us both into easy targets and wipe out her last hope of escaping.

"Don't be stubborn, Omkara! Do as I say if you want your new obsession to stay alive. I can kill her before you break the fucking door." A throaty laugh followed his speech and it rang inside my ears setting my already boiling blood on fire.

Ajay sounded like a possessed man. He was enjoying taunting me from behind the door. What did I do to him to earn such a thing? Nothing came into my mind. I was never a man to betray his friends and didn't expect a close friend of mine to do so.

"Don't you dare touch her, Ajay." I yelled at the door. I could hear shuffling and hushed whimpers. He was hurting her.

Quickly, I untied the sheath tied around my waist, throwing my sword and dagger on the floor but keeping a small hidden dagger inside my leather boots.

"Fine, Ajay. You won! I'm unarmed so open the door!"

It seemed like forever till I finally heard a loud click as metal scrapped against metal. The door groaned loudly as his rusty hinges moved and a very sinister looking Ajay stood in front of me.

Gauri's P.O.V:

He was here, he found me! I squirmed harder underneath Ajay, but he didn't budge. He just looked at me with a crazed smile on his face.

"Please," I begged him, "just let me go." I was so afraid he was going to hurt my baby.

"He's here, Gauri. We're both going to enjoy watching him die. You should be glad! I'm doing you a favor. He did hurt you a lot now, didn't he?"

A small whimper escaped my lips at the sadistic joy he was displaying. He didn't look like a man in grief, he looked more like a deranged vengeful beast seeking blood and despite all I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. What Omkara did to him made him who he is right now.

"Stay here!" he whispered next to my ear, his hot breath fanning on my neck making me shudder with disgust.

I watched him walk towards the door with fearful eyes. His posture too relaxed for a man about to confront his friend and king.

Ajay leaned on the door, his eyes focusing on the wood.

"My king," he yelled at the door, "if you want to save your beloved whore, I advise you to throw your sword and dagger on the ground and I'll open the door for you."

I cringed at his words. Is that what Omkara made me? Is that how people look at me now? The king's newest whore? What did I ever do wrong? But despite all, I can't allow Ajay to kill my child's father. Even Omkara deserves to defend himself.

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