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Gauri P.O.V:

"He's going to die, isn't he?" Ajay sounded hysterical, "I killed him! I killed my friend."

"Now you remember that? Now you remember that he's your friend?" I couldn't help but hiss back at him. He just stabbed him after knowing that Omkara didn't do anything to harm that Oshawa  girl and that she's still alive, living with her sister and brother-in-law in the nearby kingdom. If I can come up with excuses for everything Ajay did so far, stabbing his friend didn't have one. "Now help me," more tears slid down my cheek as Omkara's breathing became heavier but I refused to sit there and grief like a weakling, I need to do something for Omkara's life is on the steak, "help me take him back to the castle if you don't want him to die." The last word left a searing pain in my heart. Not just guilt, but real pain over the possibility that Omkara might die now.

"I-I can't. I can't go back! They will kill me."

"What do you mean you can't?" I questioned the panic-stricken man about to have my own panic attack.

"Omkara will have me hanged; Arjun will make sure I die the worst death possible himself. He'll make sure I suffer before he kills me." Ajay started pacing around, losing time that Omkara didn't have. I have to get him back to the castle as soon as possible. I have to act quickly if I want him to stand a chance.

"Then just help me in getting him out of here then you can go away. I won't tell them where you went. You have my word."

He looked at me, his eyes red and puffy while his face as pale as it can be. He was doubtful.

"Okay, pray that his horse is still around or you'll have to drag him back to the castle alone."

I wanted to strangle him. Just a second ago he was sobbing like a kid because he stabbed Omkara. I can't believe how selfish he is.

"Fine, just help me take him out."

If it was hard to pull Omkara off the ground, then helping Ajay carry him up the stairs was an impossible task. We had to make sure that we don't touch the dagger that was still embedded in his chest without causing Omkara too much pain which seemed like a failing cause as his painful, yet very quiet groans kept on slipping through his pale lips.

I was sweating when we finally got to the castle's entrance but I sighed in relief when I saw Omkara's horse standing there with a dog sitting next to it. If it wasn't for Omkara's serious state, I would have stopped and laughed at the irony of the situation we're in.

An animal is more faithful than Ajay.

"Hurry before they find me, if Omkara was able to find us then it won't take Arjun and his men long before getting here." Ajay said as he fastened his pace. "Ride the horse and help me place him in front of you, you have to make sure that he's lying his back fully against you and you should hold him tight so he wouldn't fall down."

I nodded my head and did as he asked. It took us a while to have Omkara secured on the horse since he kept on losing consciousness all the time. But the second we were both on the horse, Ajay gave the animal's back a sharp slap without a warning. The horse started galloping hurriedly in the same route he took to get to this ruined castle in the beginning without a need to be guided.

I hugged Omkara's shoulders to my chest and looked back just in time to watch Ajay collapsing on the ground and landing on his knees as he buried his face in his hands.


"My lady, you should go rest." I snapped my eyes open to look at Arjun. Omkara's advisor looks even more ragged than me which says something since I look like a ghost.

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