Part 16

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Gauri's P.O.V

The air was pungent. The smell of rotting molds was sickening me, making my queasy stomach churn in protest. The inside of the castle looked even worse than the outside; it was like a hell hole, perfectly suitable to serve as Ajay's house!

This place smelled like death and I think we passed by many rotting cadavers of animals. I kept on tripping and making Ajay trip with me, stones and the falling parts of the roof and walls making walking almost an impossible task. Where the roof had fallen the sun lighted the room, reflecting upon the golden inner walls of what I assume was once a very beautiful castle. The other rooms that still had a roof were dark and smelled even worse. I suppose Ajay knows this castle very well for the darkness surrounding us most of the time didn't hinder his progress. He just dragged me through the rooms and halls.

I don't know where Ajay found this place but I know what he wanted from me. He made himself more than clear on many occasions that he was waiting for the king to pass me to him. I can never live this, being with more than one man. I'm not a widow to get remarried and I'm not a whore despite being with the king to have many lovers. I was intending on taking my life if I came to that. Having to be with another man other than the king but I don't think Ajay would allow that, at least not before taking what he wants from me.

Being too caught up in my thoughts made me lose balance when I stepped one a small stone, I twisted my ankle and caused myself to fall on my knees, scrapping them painfully and ruining my dress but I had to smile despite having pain tears filling my eyes when I heard Ajay swearing under his breath. I had made him stumble as well and fall on fours. He had to let go of my arm and took most of the fall on his left hand. His palm had small stones painfully cutting through the skin and droplets of blood oozing from the gushes.

It never satisfied me before as much as it did right now to see, with the dim lighting the sour expression on Ajay's face.

"You whore! You did this on purpose." He hissed angrily.

I gasped at him, "how is that my fault?" I asked him while I pulled myself up. My knees burning where I have scrapped the skin. "You are the one walking me. I can barely see!"

Ajay pulled himself up quickly and grabbed my upper arms painfully. "Pull these stunts on your beloved king you whore and not me!"

"I am not a whore." I hissed at him.

His hold against my upper arm became utterly agonizing cutting the blood circulation of my arm. I could feel my fingers starting to tingle but I refused to break my stare.

"He turned you into a whore like he did to many other girls before you."

I felt my tense muscles relax a bit. Ajay sounded hurt when he said that. Maybe there's a way to talk to him after all, maybe just maybe he's not as heartless as he made himself appear.

"Lord ajay, what happened?" I asked Ajay softly. I honestly wanted to know and not just waste time so Omkara finds me. I always thought of Ajay as a man moved by lust and anger, never once I considered him as someone who has feelings.

"Walk!" he barked at me and kept on dragging me towards the stairs.

"Wait, you're hurting my ankle!" I hissed in pain as he ran down the stairs towards what I guess should be the dungeons.

The only answer I received is another tug of my hand which I was sure by now held many colored bruises.

We walked through a narrow corridor and Ajay took a turn to the left then opened the first door to his left. He pushed me inside before walking after me and kicking the door shut.

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