Part 14

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Gauri pulled her woolen shawl tightly around her body. Since it was almost winter, she could feel her nose turning red as she walked through the garden with Mona.

"May I have the honor to know why you dragged me here? It's cold and I'm not feeling so good." Gauri whined to her sister. It wasn't that she's a whining type; she was just worried about her baby.

"Gauri! You know well the king wouldn't allow you to come here if his physician didn't agree and recommend you to have some fresh air." Mona was very anxious as she kept looking from side to side.

"Okay, Mona. What's wrong sister? I thought the king sent after mom and since the second you stepped in you were trying to convince me about going out in this freezing weather into the garden and now you're acting like we're being followed. So spill it, what's the deal?"

"Do you trust me ri?"

Gauri stopped in her track and looked at her troubled sister's face. She cupped Mona's cheeks between her palms before planting a soft kiss on her sister's forehead. "You know that I trust you with my life Mona. Now tell me what's wrong?"

Mona looked up at one of the trees and smiled, "If that's true, come with me to the side... I don't want us to be seen."

Gauri followed her sister and they stood together under one of the cedar trees. The lush green tree hiding their forms from anyone else in the garden.

"I want you to run away from here." Mona declared to her sister.

"W-what? Mona, I can't do that! I've tried and I always failed. Plus the king is very nice to me now, I don't want to anger him."

"Listen to yourself, Gauri! You were supposed to be a service maid, not a concubine... and you find what he's doing to you nice?" Mona was getting very upset with her sister. She thought her sister hates it here!

"He has changed Mona, he..."

"He will throw you away the second he bores you Gauri," Mona's voice was dead cold. "Have you forgotten that you'll never be more than a servant to him... if you're in love with him my dear sister, wake up because he will never love you back."

"What's wrong with you? Why you're being so mean?" Gauri couldn't help but be angry at her sister.

"Because you have the chance to live happily with Neil." Mona snapped back at her sister.

"First of all calm down and don't raise your voice. Second of all I didn't choose this. And third and the most important is that I'm pr-"

A soft thud next to Gauri made her cut her attempt of reasoning with her sister. Both sisters turned around sharply but only Gauri gasped upon seeing the intruder.

"-Neil! What are you doing here?"

"Lord Ajay, lord Ajay." A soldier ran hurriedly towards Ajay, panic written all over his young face.

"What do you want? And I hope you have a good reason for leaving your guard post."

"My lord, I need to tell you something."

"Spill it boy, I don't have all day."

"I was ordered to leave Lady Gauri alone..."

"Gauri?" 'Yeah, like you don't remember her' a dark voice whispered in Ajay's mind, 'you've been dreaming about her since that dinner you saw Omkara pleasuring her. And damn you wanted her ever since.'

"My lord?"

"Huh? What?"

The guard looked a bit puzzled, "I was asking you what should I do?"

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