Chapter Eight: Jason, Cain, or Riley.

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 Cain's P.O.V

 I wish everything could go back to the time when I first met Flower. I wish I didn't say that to her; I wish I didn't do those things to her. But since I didn't, now I have to pay the price. 

*2 hours earlier*

"Flower, come with me. I'm sorry I did that. I can't tell you how many times you run through my mind thinking 'Why in the hell did I do this to you?' " I stated. " It kills me to think that you are with someone else! To be held by someone!" 

I know yelling at her wont do me any good but damn it! I need her! I don't want to be alone! Flower backed away from me shaking. "Can I think about it?" she mumbled. I nodded "Take as much time as you need. But before you do that. Can I take you out to diner tonight? Italian?" I grabbed her hand, into mine and I looked into her eyes and said "Please, say yes. I want to show you that I am not the bad guy anymore."She thought about about for about five minutes and she finally said "Yes, and Italian sounds nice. I'll see you at seven?" I was so shocked I just stood there staring at her and then I threw my arms around her and spun her around, "Yay! Thank you Flower! And yes I will see you at seven!" With that I kissed her cheek and I walked to my baby, climbed in and heard her pur to life. As I drover passed her I waved goodbye. 

I ran up my stairs and rushed into my room, I screeched to a halt when I realized all my clothes were laying on the ground, and I didn't have enough time to do laundry, so Axe it up!

I stripped out of my clothes and ran naked into the bathroom, I scrubbed my body and hair. I used my favorite shampoo, Chocolate Axe, with fruity body wash, What? I like to smell like chocolate fruit, can you blame a guy? Like for real. After I scrubbed the dirtiness off of me, I walked into my horrific scene of a bedroom. I looked for my boxers but every pair of them smelled like ass and sweat. But desperate times calls for desperate measures, right? So I left my boxers alone and just slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans ,trying to make it feel as comfortable on my junk as I can, and a grey t-shirt underneath a blue jacket.  Grabbed my phone and my wallet, making sure I had money, and then went back into the bathroom I grabbed my glasses from the drawer, I can see without my glasses on, But I don't like to wear them outside of my home. I can't let my man pride get trashed because I have glasses. 

I looked at my watch, and it was six, okay, so I have an hour until I need to be at her house. But, what if I go earlier? So that is what I did, I grabbed my keys and walked to my baby, she purred to life. As I drove along something didn't feel right, I sped to Flowers house which was just around the corner, my wolf fighting to be set free. I held him back as I pulled up to her house. I shut the car off and I sat there and let my wolf senses be released. As I did I could smell the sent of blood. My eyes flew open and scrabbled out of the car, almost breaking the door in the process. I gingerly pushed on the door to find it wasn't even shut. I pushed it open so my body could get thought. The over powering stench of blood wafted through my nostrils. It was so powering it almost made me through up. I fought back the urge to do so as I made my way though the house finding stairs up to the second story. I trudged up the stairs as I found a huge puddle of blood with trails leading into a closed door. I nudged the door and found it closed all the way; Putting my hand around the nob and pushing. There inside was a body with blood around it. It wasn't Flower so I left the body there. I opened another door, leading into a bedroom it smelled of sex, blood , and vomit. 

"Flower?" I questionably asked. Nothing. I walked back into the hallway and found Flower standing there shirt torn down the front and absolutely no pants on, Her hands were holding a frying pan with blood, hair and skin handing off of it. She held up her hands and ready to swing at me. I held onto her hands and pulled the pan out of hers with my other hand. "Flower, It's me Flower, Cain," I softly stated, not wanting to scare here. "I won't hurt you." I took a step back, just in case if she still thought it was here attacker. She then shook her head, her eyes gazed over with tears, "Cain?" her voice shook.  She ran to me flinging her arms around my neck, "Please get me out of here. Cain please." Flower begged with tears streaming down her face. I picked her up. She looked at me like I rejected her and I didn't "Flower, you can't go out there looking like that,"I stated while shrugging off my blue jacket." I won't let you, for the sake of your body and my sanity." I looked up to find her red faced and covering her self, "Whats wrong with my body?" She asked. I mentally shook my head, taking off my grey long sleeved shirt. I walked up to her, and handed her my shirt; Leaned down by her ear and whisper, " Absolutely nothing, I just don't want others to see what only belongs to me." 

I couldn't believe how red her face got when I pulled back. "I'll leave you to get dressed and when your done," I said walking towards the door"Take everything that you want. Meet me down by my car. You will be living with me in my house." She nodded and I closes the door. I walked back down to my car and waited. "I'll have to call the clean up team" I pondered to myself. 

It took her about the total of five minutes to get down to my car, still in my shirt, which my wolf purred at. "I am not a fucking house cat! I am a Werewolf! A Freaking Werewolf." I internally shouted to my wolf. "Sorry," he mumbled back. She only had a small rucksack full of things. "Is that all you have?" I asked. She nodded her head, not looking me in the eye.  I didn't press the matter and got into the car. We silently drove back to my house. Awkward as hell, but at least she was safe, that's all I want; Is for Flower to be safe. When we rounded the corner to my house, I asked her the question that I know she doesn't want to answer. "Flower, Why did you kill your Jason?" 


Okay everyone. I have changed the plot line and I know how it is going to end. 

Vote for: Cain or Riley

Who do you think she will end up with.

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