Chapter Two: What is that Smell

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This chapter is edited (August 2015)

I can honestly say this this chapter was completely awful! So many mistakes and most of them are just not capital I's. I feel for everyone who read this before I edited.

Word count:1339



Walking into the biggest building I have been in my entire life, is intimidating.

As I walked into the commons I tried find the main office, but after failing to find it after a few minutes. I saw my brother, James, he has jet black hair and slightly shaggy but not to long; just perfect. He had my moms blue-grey eyes, standing at six foot one.

As I walked to him he felt my presents because before I got even close enough he pulled into an empty class room and slammed me against the wall, my head hit the wall but not that hard. Just enough for a small concussion.

"Don't even think about talking to me during school hours. Or even after school! Don't tell anyone that we're related don't even say my name." He yelled quietly, if that was even possible.

He then grabbed my shirt and threw me out into the hallway yelling "No I won't have sex with! You're nasty! You smell like you have something fishy down there!" then proceeded to kick me in the side. Everyone started to laugh.

He pushed me up and threw me to one of his friends.

"Ewe! I don't want to touch her! She might give me crabs!" He pushed me to his other friends.

They kept on doing this until someone pushed their body through everyone. I looked at the kid who came to my rescue.

"Leave her alone!" He stated calmly as he was standing in front of me talking to the guy that held onto my upper arms.

They just kept staring at each other not saying a word. But their faces looked like they were trying to agree on something. Then the guy that was holding my arm let go.

"Um... Thanks" I said to the guy that let me go and to the guy that saved me, well kind of saved me.

"Hi, My name is Riley! Class of 2016, Senior and I am class president!" Riley stated proudly.

I just scoffed and started to walk away. He grabbed my hand I trying to shake it off but he has a really strong grip.

"Where are you going? I don't even know your name." Riley asked with a cute little smile on his face.

I'm just charity to him. He is the president of the senior class and I'm just a fresh fish in high school. After several minutes of him staring at me with his big green eyes, I gave in, damn you green eyes.

"My name is Flower, and I'm a freshman this year. But in the future, please don't help me, I don't want to be another one of your charity cases, okay?"

This time he grabbed my hand forcefully and backed me into a wall. I let out a little squeak. "You are not a charity case my dear." He then hugged me and started to sniff my neck...

"Um.... Riley? what are you doing?" I said a little bit afraid of what he was doing but at the same time, I kind of liked it. Wait, how can I like someone who is sniffing my neck?

"Did anyone ever tell you that you smell good?" I laughed at that, but no, no one has, ever.

If we weren't alone in this hallway, I would have missed what he said next, "Be mine, be my Luna." and by the time I fully understood what he said. He was walking out of the door, "Oh, and the main office is just down the hall and to the left." I nodded and walked towards the office, now the real fun begins.

I got my schedule and found my first hour, 3D art. Mr. James was nice to me but at the same time I knew he secretly hated, me. Why? Because everyone else did. Everyone had a partner to sit by and I had no one, but I was used to it. So for our first project we have to make a bobble head. I decided to do a frog. Frogs are cute, right? Well I really don't know what to do so I just stuck with my frog. I started to mold my frog head, and at the end of class we had to clean our stations before we left which sucked, I make a really huge mess. and I couldn't just slide all my junk onto my partner; well because I didn't have one.

Once I was done, it was now time for second hour, oral communications.


When fourth hour ended it was time for lunch. I went to my locker, put in my combination 47-35-15  I had to memorize that number for my whole high school career. I pulled out my biology book and went to the cafeteria, I found a table that had very little trash on it.

I'm to fat to eat, I mean being 5 foot 2 inches should be skinny and happy right? Well wrong, I'm 5 foot 2 inches and weigh 170 pounds. That is way to big for my frame, so I decided that I wont eat. Also I don't have the money. My dad thinks that I will save the money to buy a bus ticket out of this hell hole to somewhere nicer, which would probable be true.

I started to do my biology homework, who in their right mind would give homework on the first day of school. Are people becoming sadistic now a days or what?! Just as I was starting to get into my homework someone slammed down their tray of food. It was none other than a very happy, smiley Riley.

 "Hi" I said weakly. 

"Well hello there, how are you today? How was the first four classes?" Riley exclaimed throwing his hands around in the air like a dying chicken. "Did you make any friends? Why are you doing homework? Can you believe they gave us homework, such butt holes!"

I couldn't even get one word in. He just kept rambling on about who knows what.. but after a while it just became silent. Looking up to see nobody; Riley was gone, but his stuff was still here. Shrugging, picked up my stuff and walking out of the cafeteria and waited for this day to end.

As I was drifting off into sleep, in Algebra 2 I was awaken by a bell, sounding that it was time for German, awesome.

My German teachers name was Frau Hope, when people started to file into class she started to walk around the class. "Ah Hallo Vannessa. Wie Gehts?" Vennessa just looked at Frau Hope, and well just stared, weird kid. Then Frau Hope saw me and said it again, "Hallo Flower, Wie Gehts?" and I knew immediately  what it meant Hello Flower, How are you?  I took German over the summer for free online, but I got distracted when my father always wanted something from me. " Hallo Frau Hope, Ich ben sehr gut, und sie?" Hello Frau Hope, I have been good, and you?

She had the biggest smile on her face and continued to talk to me. "Ich war sehr beschäftigt und müde." I have been very busy and tired. I nod, and she continued to ask other people, then we started to say our names," Ich Heisse... " My name is, and when she got to me, I said it without missing a single beat. As I said my name, a teacher I supposed, came bursting through the door looked around and spotted me. "Mate" he said. He began to stalk toward me, everyone was look at me and back to him. Scared, Happy, afraid, love, acceptance all ran through my body.




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