Chapter one: The First Day

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This chapter is edited (August 2015)




Today is the first day of high school; well for me it's like the fifth year teaching so there are plenty more first days. I love to see the little freshman freak because they don't know where their classes are; they either have a confident look or the ' deer in the head-light' look, that one is my favorite. 

The names Johnson... Cain Johnson... (Really bad reenactment of James Bond). I'm a werewolf, as you might already know. I'm twenty- one and still haven't found my mate. You would think that a twenty-one year old werewolf should have already found his mate; well I haven't and I guess you could say that I have been searching, just not that hard. My wolf is dark brown with black feet, tail, and ears. I hate bugs, which is weird for a wolf, or any wild animal, but I absolutely hate them. Jay, my wolf loves to eat them, and it makes me sick every time. He thinks it's hilarious, but I get him back by not shifting for a week and every bug he eats its one more week that I don't shift. I hope my mate is a werewolf too, but I don't care if she isn't. That just gives me a reason to protect her tenfold! Ha, Protectiveness!

Stepping out of my Hollister boxers, turning the hot water on and waiting for the temperature to be between third degree burns and skin melting hot. I absolutely hate cold showers. They just make everything feel weird and I don't like it. Sticking my hand in the water and the temperature is perfect. Pouring a generously large amount of Summer Breeze Shampoo into my hair. Wrapping a towel around my waist. 

As I walked down my hallway to my room there is a full length mirror in the hallway and I stop to check my body out. Some guys might think that this is weird but to me it's normal. My six packs are starting to fade and same with my summer's dark tan, since it's like almost November. I need to go back to the gym. But that takes away grading history papers, darn! (Note the sarcasm). Finally after drying off my brown hair and put gel in it to stand in its usual spike in the front, I put on my khaki pants and my baby blue dress shirt out of my closet. Then I walk across the room to my other closet to my shoes, my babies, two neatly shined and polished to perfection and wow, look at them shine! 

You're probably wondering, "Where is your pack?" or "Are you rouge". Well my lovelies, my pack is separated into houses that is kind of circling the Alphas and Luna's house. With trees all around us, it's kind of like a really small town with just houses. Alpha Jones and Luna Mai have all of the pack's pups in their house, since it is the safest house. And I know that having your pups living with your Luna might sound like a good thing, but some of them get forgotten and then eventually dying, but that rarely happens. Werewolf packs are generally  wealthy. Everyone who lives in the pack has to put their money they earned into an account and the account is monitored by the Alpha and distributes the money evenly throughout the pack and gives less to the ones who are hooligans.

 Grabbing an apple and my keys I head towards the garage. Sliding into my Ford, hearing the engine roar to life, putting it in gear and making my way to School. Fifteen minutes to the Porter High school, this girl I would say around fifteen years of age was walking and turned to look at me as I slowed down and she looked freighted I was going to say that it's okay and ask her if she wanted a ride but she tore gaze and put her head down and her hood up. Well that was rude, but it's to be expected I mean I wouldn't want a creepy guy giving my daughter a ride to school. Oh well. I stepped on the gas and sped down the road and looked in my rear view mirror to see her look at my car speeding away.


I wake up to my clock saying it's 7:30 a.m... Shit! I needed to make my dad breakfast before he wakes up. Even though my dad beats me, I can't help but love him. My mom left me because she said that I'm a waste of time and space, a good for nothing lost cause. When she left she was grateful to leave me with fifty dollars and told me to have a good life. I was Twelve at the time and my dad took that money to buy  beer, and drugs. I know that fifty dollars isn't much but when you have millions in the bank. The thing is he never did any of the drugs; crack, meth, K2, pot, bath salts, and acid. He puts them into a black box under his bed, right next to his porn stash.

Yes he has a porn stash. When I was little, around the age of eight,  just playing with my Barbie's he took me to his room and told me to sit on the floor. He brought out a black box under his bed and I happen to see his playboy and DVD's. And let's say there is more than one- hundred under there. He told me to never tell anyone about this black box and if I did, he would hurt me and not by beatings, but sexually abused. 

As I rushed down the old wooden creaky stairs I heard my dad start the water to take a shower. Okay, I have about twenty minutes for breakfast. Let's see; omelet. Yup, that's what I'm making my dad. 

Three eggs, butter, cheese (shredded), ham, turkey, chicken, sausage, and bacon.  I got three omelets done before I heard my dad walk down the hallway towards the kitchen "Morning dad." I said and kissed his cheek. And then focusing back to making my last omelet for myself. "Morning, thanks for making me the omelets." He said while raising his hand. I thought he was going to hit me so I flinched, but he laughed and started to rub my shoulder. 

I started to get uncomfortable so I brushed his hand off, and right when I did that, I knew I shouldn't have, he turned from being in an okay mood, to a really pissed off dad. I started to run up the stairs after I grabbed my omelet. 

"Where do you think you're going? You useless piece of shit!" His voice boomed through the house.

 I was just at the top I thought I was safe when a hand grabbed my long brown hair and flinging me down the stairs. 

My dad started to kick me in the stomach really hard, enough to make me cough up blood. I cringed at the taste of metallic and the pain. Then he got on me, straddling me so I couldn't get up and run to the safety of my room. He grabbed my hands and pulled them above my head with one hand. We locked eyes and he raised his other hand and hit me square in the face. I didn't hear a snap so I know my nose isn't broken, thank god! 

He lets me go after he got his full of fun. I ran upstairs straight into my bathroom. And take off my clothes but my white bra and panties, I never get anything mature or pretty, all I get is white under garments. As I stare at my beaten and battered body in the full length mirror. I gasped as I see my face and body. It has never been this bad before. I took of my bra and panties and got in the shower and rinsed out my honey smelling shampoo. My dad only let me use this shampoo, I really don't know why. 

It was now eight, a half an hour before school. I got my ripped skinny jeans and put on a black and white cami, with a worn out sweat shirt. My only pair of shoes were on the verge of falling apart. Over the months I learned how to sew, so they wouldn't fall apart.  My phone, bag and iPod Nano were the last things to grab as I walked out of my bedroom. 

I wish my brother would give me a ride to school, but I know he won't. He doesn't even talk to me. I walked out of the front door and started my fifteen minute walk to school. I don't ride the bus because it comes too early and I don't think it's necessary anymore since I lived right down the road. 

As I was just three blocks away from school, a black Ford started to slow down next to me and I looked to see if it was anyone I know. It wasn't he was probably in his mid twenties. I looked away and put my earphones in and cranked the music up. Walking right up to the gates of hell, I got this numbing feeling, my heart started to race, my god, this is it, my high school life is right here in front of me. 

I wonder if I will make any friends this year.


Authors Note:


I love you all for reading my VERY FIRST werewolf book!!! I may not be as good as some people, but I want to get better... 


Byes Nicole: D

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