Chapter four: Now What?

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Guys. You guys are the best. Did you know that? After reading the comments you posted. It gave me hope. To continue on with this story. You guys just love it so much. So I will continue to write it.

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It gives me motivation!!!

Word Count: 1098


Edited 2019



I didn't say anything except for get out. I felt bad but I had too. I was pissed, how could he just hit her for no reason! I can feel my anger get the best of me my eyes are turning red, my wolf wants to come out but doesn't.

"Cain?" She hasn't left yet? "I said Leave!" I screamed in her face.

She looked taken aback but she still didn't leave instead she walked up to me and hugged me. My wolf is purring... fucking purring like a house cat! I am not a house cat! I am a wolf, a big bad wolf! I pushed her towards the door, much to my wolfs dismay. Once she was out of the classroom I locked the door and just stood there; trying to calm myself down and try to wonder why her father would do something to her.

Damn it, I should help her I know I should. She isn't my mate.

"But she is! "my inner self screamed at me.

No, She's not! She wont ever be, she isn't my type and she is my student!


He yelled at me. He only yelled at me. Only yelled. He didn't hit me. Am I day dreaming, what just happened.  I thought he was going to holler at me and smack me around, but he did nothing and that's what scares me.

I was pulled from my thoughts when a hand was clamped down on the top of my head. Screeching, I jumped and turned to see who was scared me.

"Flower, what's wrong? Why are you just standing there?" Riley asked sounding concerned.

"Oh," I said coming out of the daze I was in.

I wasn't fine. So I did the next best thing, I lied, badly, straight to his face.

"I was wondering if I should take the bus home or walk." he definitely didn't believe me, but he didn't say anything about my terrible lie.

"come on, we only have one class left of the school day, Come on."

Riley tugged on my hand and started walking down to our last class, English, but before I turned the corner, I saw Mr. Johnson looking at me and looking pissed off. Madder then the hatter himself.

English wasn't terrible. I just couldn't focus. Cain, his smell, his voice, his eyes... oh man what that man does to me. I could feel myself getting hot. It was a new feeling in my mind, I believe this is what people feel when they are sexual excited. The teacher was droning on and on about her husband and how they are excited to start a family together. I didn't care, she's happy and found her forever after. And hopefully Cain will be my forever after. 

** Le Time Skip**

After eighth hour ended I quickly moved through the packed halls to make my way to my locker. "Flower!" I looked around to see no one. I shrugged while continued to put my unnecessarily large books back into my locker. "Flower!" What the heck! I shut my locker to see Riley jogging down the empty hallway. You see, I'm a slow person but a hard worker so I don't have to do homework at home; even though it's called homework. I do all my homework in the class after it, so in my last class I have to do double the homework, but most of the time there is no homework in my last class.

I just stood there waiting for his clumsy self to get down the hallway. How in the hell is he on the soccer team? I looked at my phone to see it was 3:35; Shit I have to go. I ran past Riley who turned to grab me, but me being like a ninja, he caught me.

"Let go! I have to get home!" I screeched.

"No!" he whispered in my ear wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Please!" I whimpered loudly. Tears threatened to spill over." I need to get home before he gets mad!" I thrashed around needing to be let go.

"Who will get mad?" he sternly stated. Then he added, rather happily, "Can I come over?"

I shook my head, "Hell no!" still struggling to get free, he may be a slow and clumsy walker, but if he has something in his grasp he is stronger then the hulk! "My dad! My dad will get mad if I'm not home by four and have dinner ready!" I uttered. "Only if I can come over!" Riley vocalized.

I looked at my phone, it read 3:45 damn it! "Drive faster! Riley!" I screeched. " My house is right there!" Still looking down at my phone, hoping time would be at a stand still until I get home but no, my ninja skills aren't with me today, three minutes passed. "Finally! You drive like my grandma!" I voiced, "Arrive alive as I like to say!" Riley joked. Cocky bastard.

I ran to the old blue door that had cracks and the paint slightly pealing. I pushed through the door, throwing my things in the hall closet. leaving the main door open for Riley, because he likes to take his sweet time. Sprinting to the kitchen, pulling out a packet of chicken from the freezer and a box of instant mashed potatoes from the cupboard. Set the heat for the chicken and waited a good thirty minutes and then started the mashed potatoes.

Just as I get all of the food on the table my father walked through the door, looking somewhat pissed, but as soon as he saw Riley, he put on a fake smile, more like a grin.

"Hello, you must be my daughters boyfriend." My father's eyes grew with each second. Holding out his hand for Riley to shake. "No sir, I'm not your daughters boyfriend; I'm just a friend who's a boy. "Riley shook his hand smiling.

I was nervous, that must have been the longest sentence that my father used without the words 'whore','bitch', 'slut', etc. But just as I said it I heard, "So how's the slut doing?" My father said bitterly to Riley, " In school, is she on top of everything?" Yes, there are sluts in our school trust me I know and saw them, with their short shorts and their tops that leave nothing to imagine whats underneath. Their faces caked with make up. "Which one are you talking about, sir?" Riley replied oblivious that my father was talking about me, "I'm fine, dad." I whispered, while looking at Riley. "I'm keeping all my grades above average." I looked up to see Riley's eyes redder then ever. "She is NOT a slut!" Riley shouted."She is your daughter! So treat her like one!" He stood up grabbing my arm and walked towards the front door.

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