Chapter Six: Should I...

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Edited 2019

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Jason's P.O.V

I hope she says yes. If she does this will make my plan go smoothly, if not well, that will cause more issues for me. You see, my mate Jessica is still very much alive and well living in a secret cave 2 miles to the north of here. She was beautiful the most beautiful witch I have seen. You see, my father was not accepting of her like my mother was. He wants a purebred line for the Alpha line. So I sent her away and visited her in the cave, which has a magical spell cast around it that no one can come in without her approval. 

To get Flower to say yes will make my plans for her much easier than forcing her to become my 'mate'. 

"What do you say Flower? Do you want to be my Luna?" I asked her, eyes boring at her.

 "I... I... I don't know Jason. My mate..." She starts. 

"Your mate doesn't want you!" I screamed at her. "What makes you think that he even wants you? He told me himself that you are just some obese fat ass who can't do shit for herself!" Once I was finished yelling lies at her, before I knew what happened I was on the ground cussing every bad word from A to Z. I rolled  around to my back and looked to see who dares attack the Alpha's son. 

 "What the hell do you think you are saying to my fucking mate!" Cain bellowed in my face. "She is none, and I mean none of those things! I didn't even tell you jack shit because your fat mouth wont stay shut!" Cain paused for a moment. "Even if I did tell you anything, those wouldn't be the things I tell you." Cain then looks up and over to Flower where she had stained cheeks where her tears finally dried. "I'd say to you that she is the most wonder person you could even know, even though the times that we did talk, they weren't so great, but the things I want to know are still my mind to have." I couldn't stand to listen to him blabbing on about how much he 'loves' his mate. I get up and walk away. Before I could reach my house I heard her speak to me. 

"No." I heard a small voice. "No, I cannot be your Luna. Jason, you aren't for me." I turn around and look back at them walking the other direction hand in hand. Damn it, fine, looks like you want it the hard way. That's fine with me. I continue my way to my fathers study, I knock before I enter and bow when I see him sitting at his desk. "Father, I don't want Flower as my Luna. I also don't want her living here."

He looks up at me from his work, confusion crosses his mind, "Why would you even mate with her? She is Cain's mate, not yours." He said and stood up walking to me. "I asked you to show her around and make her feel welcome here." He looked at me, "What are you planning to do with her?"

I smirked at my father and turned to leave, "Nothing you need to worry about now, Father, but in the end, she will be dead, and my loving mate Jessica will come back to me."

My plan for getting her to become mine easily didn't work out but that's okay. I like a challenge. So be it. With that I walked out of the study and went to look for Flower. My plan is to find Flower, then get Cain to do something stupid and ruin the relationship she has with him, then go in be the knight in shining armor. Become her mate. Boom done. So now the hard part. Finding her.

I left the house and concentrated hard to find her "Dang it, how do I skip rocks. This isn't working as well as I thought I would be. All it does is splash in the water." There she is. I ran in the direction to the Lowing River and founder her at the river bank. I smirked and walked up behind her. "Hey, let me show you?" I said.  She jumped forward almost falling into the river. I grabbed her arm and bulled her back to me. "Hey calm down it's only me." She turned back around, "Hey, I didn't hear you." Flower said, "But yes I could use some help. All the rocks are doing is dropping in the water." I turned her around and took her wrist in my hand and flicked her wrist just right. "How... how did you do that?" she asks in awe.

"Well you need to look for a flat rock about the size of the palm of your hand." I let her hand go, searching for the perfect rock. "Is this good?" Flower asked. I nodded and continued. "Hold the flat sides of the rock with your thumb on one side and your middle finger on the other" I said to  Flower. She looks all discombobulated and asked, "I'm doing this wrong aren't I?" I laugh, "Let me show you." I grab her hand and I position her fingers in the right spots, "There you go" I whisper in her ear. I pull away and look at her face which is turning red, "Okay next step, Stand with your feet shoulder width apart facing sideways to the water, with your non-dominant side closest to the water's edge. Like so." I stood my right side towards the water. "I didn't know you were left handed" she said looking at me. "There's a lot about me that you didn't know sweetheart." I smirk. Flower blushes and looks away. "Okay moving on... Squat down close to the water so that when you throw, your rock will be close to parallel with the surface of the water." I then squatted, bringing her with me. I feel her body brush up against mine. My mind goes to a dirty place. Concentrate Jason. "Flick your rock across the surface with a sharp movement of the wrist. It's similar to throwing a Frisbee. But make sure flick it as fast as you can without losing form." I show Flower but not releasing my rock. "Your turn, I'll do it with you, okay?"

Let me say, she was horrible at skipping rocks, we were at it for about four hours. She won't give up if she really wants to do something. Which surprises me because I thought she would be the type of person to give up easy, but I was mistaking. 

In the four hours we were out there we were laughing and talking and getting to know each other a little more. We stopped at nightfall when the woods are the most dangerous. As I walked her to her house where she will be staying, I said to her, "Good night, I hope you sleep well." I kissed her hand and in the house she went. 

I turned around to walk back to my house and ran into Cain. "Hello Cain. Your mate sure sucks at throwing rocks." Cain looked at me realizing that is where she was for most of the day. I smirked and said, "Her body feels way better than it looks." I can hear his thoughts, he is going to hit me. I dogged it, and kicked him in the back. Making him fly forward, hitting the ground with a crash. 

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