"You could have told me you weren't feeling well I would have come sooner."

"No I'm fine I don't need you to look after me."

I just had enough of her turning me hot and then cold. It's like she didn't know what she wanted. Raising my voice filled with anger I step over to her keeping her eyes locked with mine.

"What do you want Rose! One moment you can't get enough of me and the next you avoid me. I'm sick of your games! Don't forget that I can have any women I want but I chose you! I want to be with you why do you make it so hard for me to be with you?"

Tears ran down her eyes she lowered her head. I wanted to apologize and comfort her when I saw her crying but I've had enough playing Mr goody's two shoes. It's time I showed her who's the boss around here I won't let her control my emotions any longer. I wanted her and there's no way in hell she's going to decline me. I'll make love to her so bad she'll beg me for more. Walking to the door I look over my shoulder my voice still filled with anger and annoyance

"I'm going to get you some medicine and when I get back you better be delighted to see my bloody face and wait for me in bed!"

I slammed the door louder than was necessary when I saw Rose all the anger left my body. I wanted to take her in my arms and take her right there in her living room. She looked at me like she was shocked to see me standing in front of her door.

I had to pretend that I was still angry with her. But the more I opened up to her the anger I had inside myself consumed me and it felt like a different person took over my body.

I went to the pharmacy and got her medicine. I didn't even ask what was wrong with her. So I got a bunch of medicine for colds, flu, stomach ache, and nausea. The pharmacist looked at me like I had some drug problem or something. On my way back to the apartment I got her some chicken soup from one of my favorite restaurants. My mother always gave me chicken soup as a child and it made me feel better in no time.

When I arrived at her apartment the door was unlocked this time. I went straight to her bedroom where she was fast asleep all curled up in a blanket on her bed. I didn't want to wake her and got in behind her.

She rolled over and snuggled her head against my chest placing her arms around my waist. I stare at her while she slept and she looked so beautiful and peaceful soon I fell asleep too. 

When I woke up it was already late in the afternoon and Rose was nowhere in sight. I jumped off the bed and headed out the door when I heard muffled noises coming from the bathroom.

When I opened the bathroom door Rose was on her knees with her head in the toilet shaking as she threw up. I kneeled beside her and pulled her hair in a ponytail rubbing her back with my free hand. She looked up at me giving me a little smile. 

"Sorry did I wake you up, go back to bed."

"No, I'll stay right here," I said looking in her eyes she looked sick.

I placed my palm against her head and she did have a fever.

"Shouldn't I take you to the hospital you don't look that well, Tesoro?"

"No, no I'm fine I feel much better now. Why don't u go back to bed and I'll be there in a little bit I'll just get cleaned up."

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