81. Wonho & hyungwon

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Hoseok_Lee - Hyungwon what the fuck..

Hyungwonnie - What?

Hoseok_Lee - Why have you been having a go at Jackson? I thought you got over the whole drunk kissing thing?

Hyungwonnie - I have? What?

Hoseok_Lee - But you messaged him earlier..

Hyungwonnie - I haven't been on my phone since yesterday. I let jooheon on my phone to message someone.  I have a photo of a screenshot and I feel like dying.

Hoseok_Lee - Send it me baby.

Hyungwonnie - *Screenshot sent*

Hoseok_Lee - What the fuck. He told me he didn't say anything. What a lying bastard.

Jacksons gonna get his ass whipped and so is jooheon what a boi.

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