39. Dm with all

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Markson dm -

Wang.j -
hey hot stuff ;)

Markiewang -
Im not "hot stuff"

Wang.j -
Hahaha don't make me laugh. You're the the definition of hot. Like look up in the dictionary the meaning of hot and well you'll find a picture of yourself Mark tuan ~

Markiewang -
Stop... anyways my friends want to meet you so.

The boys
Markiewang added Wang.j into the chat.

Markiewang -
as requested.

Cocojae -
Hey Jackson :)

Wang.j -
Hey guys. Mark's friends right? Nice to meet you. You all seem....normal.

Yuggie -
I swear I'm normal. The other two.. not so much

Cocojae -
That's a lie. You and mark fangirl over Bambam and Jackson non stop. And when you met Bambam the other day and he hugged you you said you were never going to bathe again.

Markiewang -

Wang.j -
Speaking of Bambam. May I add him? He really wants to speak to you guys.

Cocojae -
Yes. Are you adding them other two?

Wang.j -
Who. Jinyoung and Jaebum? Only if you want them :)

Yuggie -
Oh. YoungJae would LOVE that very much :)

Wang.J has added DoubleB , Not_Junior and JJP.Jb into the chat

DoubleB -
A new chat. Nice.

Yuggie -
Hey Bambam

Bambam -
Yugyeom right! Marks friend. The one I met at the airport?

Markiewang -
Yes. That's the one.

Not_junior -
Why am I here?

Jjp.jb -
I ask the same as Jinyoung.

Wang.j -
I added you because I wanted to know deal with it you assholes and meet the other guys.

Not_junior -
Your fanboy? And Bambam fanboy?

Yuggie -
Jaebums fanboy is here also.

Jjp.jb -
Who's that!

Wang.J -
Who knows. Probably their other friend YoungJae.

Cocojae &a Jjp.jb

Cocojae -
Don't say anything please. I'm not ready. Pretend you don't know me.

Jjp.jb -
Anything you want sunshine. I'm ready whenever you are okay. If you don't want to tell them yet that's okay. Let's focus on their relationships. We can become their matchmakers.

Cocojae -
Oh can Abby join?? She's good at matchmaking. You know she got us together in secret :)

Jjp.jb -

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