6. Mark

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Markiewang - I really wanna kiss them lips~

@username - @wang.j let the poor boy kiss you.

@markiewang - @username NO.

@jackson~bambam - But he's Mine :(

@markiewang - @jackson~bambam you can have bam.

@yuggie - But @markiewang you know bam is mine :(

@markiewang - @yuggie oops. @jackson~bambam maybe you can have Jinyoung??

@username2 - why his lips. They look horrible.

@abbyjade_ - @username2 you're still lurking? Aish.

@username2 - @abbyjade_ I ain't lurking no where sunshine.

@username3 - don't like him leave @username2

@oppajaebum - I wanna kiss Jaebum's lips. They're better than jacksons.

@cocojae - @oppajaebum No one asked for you opinion >:(

@JarassicDaddyDick - this is a mess.

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