77. Unknown & jackson

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Wang.j - seriously? Are you trying to ruin my life?

Unknown - hm I don't really know. I mean they say revenge is sweet.

Wang.j - So you're still salty about how I almost kissed your boyfriend when I was DRUNK.

Unknown - Sigh. I knew you weren't drunk. You act as if I'm stupid. Well I'm not. I know you were sober enough to notice that is was my boyfriend. You better not ruin marks life I swear .

Wang.j - Hyungwon. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that everybody likes me more than you.

Unknown - you stuck up fucker.

Wang.j - I'm sorry your own boyfriend wanted to kiss me because he hated kissing you because you're nothing but a pretty face darling. Nothing. You can't dance or sing no wonder you have no lines. Isn't that also the reason Minhyuk is now my best friend because you're boring. Hm I also wonder why starship wont let you have any lines. Ah I know why. Because you can't do anything

Unknown took a screenshot

Unknown - Well done bitch. I now have receipts to show everyone how much of a stuck up prick you are have a nice day.

✔️Seen 14:56

Bitch it's hyungwon. Btw I don't think hyungwon is just a face and he is an amazing dancer and singer he's funny and if you think he is just a face please leave x
also I don't think Jackson is THIS arrogant please don't hate me x

Happy birthday baby ChimsMainHoe 💞👀

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