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I am jealous of everybody who is with you when I am not with you.

Yoon doo's pov
Three of us entered the house after settling things. I got a notification from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey! I am Min ara. Can you send me jimin's number. I need to talk to him about our work.
Me: Oh.. hey ara. I will send you now.
(Contact sending...)

I changed the name to min ara and sent her that contact details.
'Ya.. Jimin-ah, I gave your number to Min ara. She said that she wanna talk about the project with you.' I said looking at him but, he didn't show any interest to talk to her. "Jimin ssi, who is Min ara? I find this name so familiar.' jungkook asked with a suspicious face. 'She is a new student.' Jimin answered and I said 'his assignment partner too' completing his sentence.

'Jin oppa, can you make the dinner fast? I am really hungry.' I complained and I saw Namjoon oopa walking towards him to help with cooking. They really are a cute couple.

'Ya... Kong yoon doo, did you forget about our project?' kookie shouted from a distance. 'oh.. I am sorry. Let's complete it today.' I said smiling at him. 'Okay. Let's go for a walk after the dinner.' he said with a smirk and I agreed because I had no other choice. I could feel something annoying Jimin but, I didn't ask about it.

We were having our dinner together chatting and laughing. I never enjoyed my food like this. Suddenly I got a message from my mom.
Mom: I won't be there tomorrow because of some important work at my office. I will come and meet you on Monday at your collage. Sorry dear. Take care.

She always give the same excuse and not meet me. I wanted to remove my anger but I controlled myself.
Me: It's okay mom. Good night.

I simply send her a message and sat in front of the food blankly. 'Ya.. what happened yoon doo?' V was poking me from the side. Nothing much. My mom abandoned me like always. She is not gonna meet me even this weekend.' I said looking at my food. 'ya.. don't worry. Hobi hyung, can we all go out tomorrow. Like a picnic. What say?' he asked hobi oppa and everyone agreed to it happily. ' Let's enjoy tomorrow then.' and I said smiling.

After the dinner...
   Me and jungkook decided to go out for walk for completing our work meanwhile Jin oppa and Namjoon oppa were cleaning the kitchen and V and Hobi oppa were watching a K drama. Jimin went to his room silently without informing anything.

Jimin's POV
Unknown: hey! It's Min ara. Can we meet now? We need to talk about our assignment. We arr out of time.
Me: Where do you live?
Unknown: near our collage.
Me: okay. I will be there in 10 min.
Unknown: Okay. I will be waiting.

I was leaving the house, and suga hyung asked me where was I going. I said him that I am going to meet ara to talk about the project. 'ya.. go carefully anf come back soon. I won't be sleeping till the time you don't come. So, make it fast.' he said with a smile. He is the only person who cares a lot more than others. We rarely have a fight but, he is the one who always apologizes first. In school days, my friends used to think that we both dated because I had his photo as my wallpaper.

 In school days, my friends used to think that we both dated because I had his photo as my wallpaper

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I didn't change it even now. Anyways, I bid him goodbye and left the house. I saw her waiting for me near the collage.
'If you don't mind, you can come to my house.' she inbited me to her house. I went inside and sat on the couch waiting fir her to come.
She sat beside me and apologized for telling bad about yoon doo. She showed me the poem she wrote. I swear to God, she is a beautiful writer.
'ya.. you are a beautiful writer. This is reallu nice.' I appreciated her which made her blush. She looked cute. 'oh..  thank you jiminie...' she said smiling. 'what? What did you call me? By the way, it's cute.
I bid her goodbye and left her house. I think she is nice...

Jungkook's pov
We both were walking towards a park talking about random things. She sat beside me on the bech. I could feel cold wind brushing through my hair and her fragrance maid it more beautiful.
'ya.. can I read the poem you gave me. I changed it a bit.' I asked her smiling. 'Even I changed some parts of your poem. Hope you like it.'
We started reading each others work.


Sorry for a short chapter. I will make the 13th chapter better than this. Next chapter waiting for you...

Kill them with success and bury them with your smile. - Kim Namjoon.

More than my bully.|J JK| {COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora