Take my Hand - Part One

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Stepping into the venue you all headed straight to the bar. Going to gigs had become kinda your thing. Niall used his connections with people to get the best seats and if he knew the artist, you even got to meet them.

You'd managed to get great seats again, sitting in one of the private balconies. The view of the stage was amazing and you couldn't wait for the music to start. Chrissie and Willie were standing at one end, with you and Niall at the other. They were engrossed in each other and Chrissie had gone all giggly as Willie whispered in her ear. They really were a great couple.

The lights came on and the music started. You took a sip from your beer and felt Niall's hand land on the small of your back, his fingers tucking themselves underneath your top. You didn't turn to face him but instead moved a small step back relaxing into him. You heard a slow exhale leave his lips and his thumb began stroking across your back.

The band, Picture This were one of your favourites, having been introduced into them by Niall. You had spent many evenings at either his flat or yours over the last 4 years that you'd known him listening to various types of music. You'd already seen this band before, when they were playing in Dublin about 10 months ago.

It had been only 6 weeks after finishing with Luke, and you'd not seen Niall since you'd been single as he'd been away working. What was suppose to a weekend away in Dublin, drinking Guinness with your friends had been a game of matchmaker. Chrissie had made sure you were both sitting with each other at all times and dropping hints about how you were young free and single now. Niall hadn't been a fan of Luke's any way, and had seen him for the lying twat he was as soon as you'd introduced them. This last year being single had meant that you and Niall had hung out a lot more, something you were incredibly happy about.

You sang along to your favourite song, turning to see Chrissie eyeing you both up as she sang the words to. Niall was singing away with you, he grabbed your hand and began using his beer bottle in his other hand as microphone, making you laugh.

"Take my Hand

And we can go walking

And we can talk about whatever is on your mind

Be my friend, but secretly like me

I wanna catch you staring and make you go all red."

The band were taking a few minutes break so you decided to head to the bar and get another drink.

"Want another one?" You said to Niall indicating his empty beer in his hand.

"Yeah, but I'll get them."

"No it's ok, you got the tickets. This is my treat."

"It's no bother getting the tickets petal." He said.

"I know it's not, and neither is getting the beers." You replied smiling at his use of the cute pet name. You weren't sure who else he referred to like it.

"Ok ok, point taken. I'll come with you and give you a hand. Leave this pair to it." He replied gesturing towards Willie and Chrissie.

Making your way through to the bar, you found a spot and waited to be served. It was quite busy and Niall slipped his arm around your waist and you didn't hesitate this time to turn around and look at him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Same again?" You asked him, completely chickening out at what you actually wanted to ask him.

"Yeah please, best get the love birds another one to."

"Yeah, will do." You replied turning back to the bar, realising you were stupid to think the extra affection he was showing you meant anymore than normal. Stupid fucking Chrissie filling your head with stupid ideas that he might like you as something more.

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