Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Exhaustion washes over me as I realize I can't run away from this anymore. "Can we please just have this conversation after I change?"

"Hell no!" She yells, her hair tossing back and forth as her head moves. "You don't get to be comfortable while we have this conversation Jude!"

"Well we're all uncomfortable right now, so can you move?" Matt asks. "Please?"

Kenedi doesn't even look at him, her eyes never moving from mine. After a second, she takes a large breath and steps to the side so that the guys can open the door.

"Finally!" The guys murmur as they throw open the door and stream into the locker room.

I can feel Kenedi's glare still locked on me as I shift from foot to foot. I have no idea what to say to her right now. I don't even know why I've been avoiding her for the past 2 days. I just need a couple minutes to gather my thoughts. My eyes flicker to the open locker room door momentarily and then back to Kenedi.

Maybe I'll just...

"I'll be right back!" I burst out as I dive through the door, dodging around the corner and into the main area where the lockers and benches are located before she can stop me.

"Shills!" She yells behind me as I escape into the locker room. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

My teammates look up as I walk toward my locker.

"You're either suicidal or stupid as shit," Matt says calmly, pulling his jersey over his head and tossing it into his gym bag. "Maybe both."

"Duuudddeeeee..." The freshman from earlier whistles, his eyebrows nearly touching his hairline. "She's going to fucking kill you when you get out of here."

I open my locker before I peel off my jersey and shorts. "I just need a couple minutes to think, you know?"

"You're gonna need more than a couple minutes to figure that shit out, bruh!"

Laughter echoes throughout the locker room as I search through my gym bag for a change of clothes.

"You little bitch!" Kenedi yells from behind me. I spin around, nearly tripping over my own feet as I spot her glaring at my nearly naked body from three feet away.

"What the fuck!" One of the guys screams, covering his crotch as he runs into the showers.

Everyone else starts yelling too, frantically pulling on clothes or doing anything to hide their nakedness.

"Kenedi what are you doing?" I gawk.

"Did you really think we weren't going to finish this conversation?" Kenedi bites, anger radiating off of her in waves.

"You can't be in the men's locker room!" One of the other seniors changing next to me is using both hands to cover his dick, too shocked to run for the showers like the other guys.

"Why not?" Kenedi snaps back immediately, taking her eyes off of me for a second so she can glare at him.

Josh's eyes bulge as he stares at her in complete shock. "Because we're fucking naked?"

"Oh please," she huffs as her eyes brazenly look Josh up and down. "If I wanted to see your tiny penis I would have checked out the pictures Ashely was showing around 3rd period."

Josh's face turns beet red as he looks away, and I hear laughter echoing from the showers. I try to force myself to look Kenedi in the eye but I can't, my gaze locking onto her chin or her forehead or the curls by her ear instead.

"You really can't just barge in here though." I scratch the back of my neck with one hand as I use the other to adjust my boxers. "This isn't A Cinderella Story or something."

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