Chapter 29: A Clench

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath after taking a large sip of hot chocolate for confidence, "Hey, Sasuke..." I started slowly.

He turned his obsidian eyes on me with interest, "Hm?".

"You know...I was thinking..." I continued, feeling the blush creep into my cheeks.

His gaze told me to proceed.

I swallowed hard, "How would you like to-".

I really didn't see what was about to happen next coming.

"Oh my gosh! Is that you, Sasuke?!" a high voice squealed.

We both turned to the source of the racket. Neatly curled, chest-length golden blond hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin with a sprinkling of freckles. She looked like she had just jumped out of a model magazine just without the crazy makeup and clothing. I had never seen her in my life, unless of course, I had chanced upon her in a fashion magazine, not that I read those a lot so I really doubted it. But Sasuke looked absolutely shocked to see her...which obviously meant that he knew her.

"H...Hana?" he acknowledged hesitantly.

"Oh my gosh! What a surprise!" she squealed again, bouncing over to our table.

I winced. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to me. Very, very particularly sharp nails.

"Uh...what are you doing here?" he asked, sparing a quick glance at me.

I just drew my gaze off towards the window while quietly sipping my hot chocolate. As far as I was concerned, I wasn't least, for now.

"My girlfriends saw this awesome deal a while back and we just had to come here! I love it here! Mommy and daddy took me here like a hundred times already but I love it every time!" she chirped, sitting herself down beside Sasuke, "So how have you been lately, Sasuke? I haven't seen you since you last came over!" she continued enthusiastically.

I blinked slowly. I could almost hear Sasuke's eyes widening as he turned to look at me, horrified. I finished my hot chocolate and turned to them with a smile on my face.

"Oh, hi!" I greeted cheerfully, "The name's Elvira! Nice to finally meet you, Hana!" I said, extending a hand in welcome.

She appraised me curiously and took my hand with the edge of her index finger and thumb, "Uh...nice to meet you too..." she answered as if I were some abhorrent homeless person off the street.

"Uh, yeah, Hana, this is Elvira" Sasuke introduced unnecessarily, "And Elvira, this friend, Hana" he could hear the emphasis in his voice as he desperately tried to explain subtly.

"What?! Oh, come on, grumpy head! Friend? We're way closer than that!" she laughed, throwing her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Hana! Stop!" Sasuke hissed under his breath but I could hear him loud and clear.

I just watched them struggle back and forth.

"Hey, Vira, Sasuke! Who wants some hot choco-" Liz was abruptly cut off as she saw what was happening, "Um...ahem" she said clearing her throat roughly.

Hana turned to look at her, "Hm, more friends, Sasuke?" she chirruped.

Gaara trotted in shortly after but he seemed to look more troubled than anything. I knew that I was missing something in this puzzle but I didn't really want to find out why right now.

I stood up and pushed back my chair slowly, "Uh, meet Hana, guys...she's Sasuke's...friend" I said with a nod.

"Hey! Nice to meet Sasuke's friends!" she said cheerily.

I avoided Liz's eye as I picked up my skis and my empty cup of hot chocolate, "Uh, I'll catch you guys for dinner, okay?" I said before tossing my garbage in the trash and walking out.

I brushed right past Liz and Gaara without looking at them once. I needed to focus on my destination right now, which was the ski return booth.

"Oh, hey! What's up, Vira? Wanna join us for some hot chocolate?" Karin called as I passed her.

I smiled, "No thanks, I already had my share. I'll see you at dinner though" I said hurriedly.

She gave me a perplexed look as I rushed past her towards the line up. Good thing it wasn't long. I deposited my skis and the person at the counter gave me a receipt as proof of my return of the skis.

"Ma'am, are you okay? You look a little pale..." the man asked me with concern.

I blinked quickly a few times, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine...just a little frostbitten" I said blankly.

He nodded, understanding. That wasn't rare here at a ski resort. I hurried up to my room and shut the door loudly behind me. I closed all the curtains and shut off all the lights before curling up on my bed, my breathing ragged. I was terrified, it had felt as if I had nearly escaped having a heart attack. I mean, what was with that little...clench around my heart when Hana showed up? Too much hot chocolate? Too much snow? I had no idea and I was downright confused, panicked...and scared.

I sat up and put a hand over my chest, Am I going insane?

I felt my heartbeat slowly calm down again and breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't want to be sent to the hospital for some stupid reason like...having too much hot chocolate or...meeting a new person. I gasped sharply.

There it was again!, I pressed my hand to my chest, That clench!

I hugged myself tightly. I just didn't understand.

What's happening to me?!

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