You Cheat on Shawn pt.4

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HEY YALL IM BACK! This is so weird but it feels right to be back lol I might end up creating a whole new story so stay tuned and keep suggesting❤️


Its been 4 months since you found out that you were pregnant with Jacks baby. You knew you wanted to keep this child so your mom kicked you out. Shawn offered to let you stay with him but you couldn't allow yourself to do that. So you ended up staying at your best friends house until you got your own apartment.

He was still so in love with you even after what you did with Jack, Shawn tells you time after time how he will raise this child as if it were his own. Yeah it was a cute thought but Jack wanted to be in this child's life just as much. The baby is his after all.

Today was the day you found out if you were having a boy or girl. Getting up off your bed you get ready to leave. You look at yourself in the mirror first, you wore black leggings and a black tank top. For the first time you really saw yourself showing. Your top was getting tight around your stomach.

"Hey little bean," you whisper while rubbing your growing belly

"Mumma already loves you so much" you smile, taking one last look at yourself and walking out your room.

You see your bestie sitting on the couch with her boyfriend watching Netflix. She notices you and jumps off her man making you giggle.

"Omg look how big you're getting are you sure it's one baby?!" She runs over and starts rubbing your belly.

She was the only one you didn't mind doing that.

"I know, this whole pregnancy thing is starting to feel real and let's not jinx that" you said nervously

"My niece-" she starts but you interrupt her

"Or nephew, we don't know yet" you say laughing

"It's a girl I can just feel it and Chris thinks so too right babe" she calls her boyfriend, he just gives a thumbs up and a smile.

"Well we are only minutes away from finding out" you say pulling out your phone to check the time, Jack was supposed to be here by now.

"Where is your boo aka your baby daddy" she asks you, giving you those eyes.

You rolled yours, "You know he's just my baby's father, I don't have a man right now and that's the way I want it."

You knew Jack had deeper feelings for you and maybe you did too but Shawn was still the love of your life and you couldn't see yourself throwing away years of love over one stupid night. You were extremely confused but this baby was the most important thing right now. You put all your feelings on the back burner.

She put her hands up in defense and you gave her a grin.

"Seriously where is he, we are gonna be late" as soon as you said that the doorbell rang

"Finally" you and your friend say in unison.

You walk to the door,slipping on some  Birkenstock sandals. You open the door to see Jack holding a bundle of flowers.

"Sorry I'm late, I saw these and I couldn't resist. I had to get beautiful flowers for my beautiful girls." He said with his signature smile, his eyes go from you to your tummy.

You tried to hide your smile

"Thank you Jack that's really thoughtful, but what's the deal with everyone thinking we're having a girl" you say taking the flowers and handing them to your bestie.

"We all know the truth" he says giving her a look and a laugh.

"Y/N we all know" Chris chimes in as you roll your eyes

"Ok guys I'm leaving now, I'll be back with the news!" You say closing the door behind you.

You can feel Jacks eyes on you as you two walked to his car.

"Is there an issue" you say jokingly

He gives you a soft smile

"You look so beautiful, I'm so lucky to be having a child with you Y/N you have no idea how happy I am" He grabs your hand and places a kiss on it.

A wave of butterflies attacked your stomach (or was that the baby kicking?) You couldn't help but feel the way you felt about Jack, maybe that night wasn't a mistake...just maybe

"Y/N?" A familiar voice yelled and it wasn't Jack

"Y/N you really thought I wouldn't find out about your appointment today?"
You watch Shawn storm out his car towards you and Jack

This was the first time in 4 months you've seen him. He was more handsome than you remember

"And you're really letting this coward
bring you?" He says, his fists bawled up

Jack pushes you behind him, protecting you.

"Shawn buddy just get out of here, this isn't your baby you have no right to know anything. Y/N doesn't have to say shit about what's going on if she doesn't want to" Jack said causing Shawn to get closer to you, trying to catch your gaze

"Y/N please" he begged

"You can't let us go like this, I know you made a mistake and I forgive you, I love you so much Y/N please don't do this to me" you looked at his eyes, tears threatening to fall

You stood there in silence not knowing what to do or say

"I.." you began as both boys awaited your response

Cliffhanger!!!! How was it? I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so lmk fr what y'all think . I'm very excited to add more parts to this specific series and others so just leave your suggestions
Love y'all ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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