He Cheats On You Pt. 2

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You just walked out of the studio and voiced out all of your emotions. Your heart thumping and eyes started to burn you knew what it meant but you refused to let the tears flow.  After getting to cam's  apartment you dropped your keys on the table and took of your jordans and walked up the stairs to your room and cried yourself to sleep.

You woke up and picked uo one of your make up wipes and wiped the dried mascara off of your cheeks.  "No,shawn she's fine." You heard cam's voice whisper/yell downstairs. You quickly stuffed your hair up into a snapback and walked downstairs. "What do you want peter raul?" You questioned.
"You." You shook your head. "Why?" He rubbed a hand ovee his face. "Becau-"

        "Because what that camila bitch got aids,she cheated on you, you know shawn i may be ignoring you but on the inside i'm dying to talk to you,facetime you when i get off of work,kiss you."
          You started to pace around the room as you seen cam walk out of the apartment. You shook your head and stopped,rubbed your temples. "Baby girl." Shawn said placing his hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off and turned around. "Do you know much pain you caused us shawn." He looked at you. "Wh-who's us." 

"Us as in me and our child, you know the one that you obviously didn't know about four months ago because you were to busy fucking camila's brains out." He had backed you into a wall with no way to get out.  "Back up." You started hitting his chest until he enclosed both of your wrist in his.

"Shut up." He said kissing you with so much passion. His hand slowly made it's way to your stomach and he cupped it pulling back. "This is ours." He whispered his forhead presses aganist yours. You hugged him and kissed his cheek lightly.
"Does this mean you forgive me y/n." You shook your head no and said." We're moving cause anything that bitch touched got fucking ebola now, that means all furniture."


ou pointed at him. "So when we get a couch you sleeping on it until then cuddle the floor cause i'm gonna buy myself a king size and new everything and cuddle with my damn self. " You said as you made your way upstairs and started packing.

The_Real_Andrea out : p

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