You Cheat on Shawn Pt. 2

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Before we start...can we like appreciate how good looking my husband is???


It's been 4 weeks a since "that" night. You didn't tell Shawn anything, knowing the shame you brought.

You were in the kitchen, slowly sipping on a cup of tea. Thinking about what had happened.

Your stomach churned as you thought of Jacks hands roaming your body.

You felt a hand land on your shoulder and you jumped a bit.

"Woah relax Y/n it's me" Shawn kissed your check. That caused your stomach to do a painful flip.  You knew what was next.

"Uh excuse me" you quickly made your way to the bathroom and of course puked.

"Y/n? You ok in there?" Shawn knocked

Damn. My period is a 2 weeks late and now this?!

You were in the verge of tears as you got up

"Yeah I'm fine, it's probably a stomach bug going around." You managed to say.

Did we even use protection? I was way too drunk.

"Ok? I'll be waiting in the car, we need to be at the studio with the jacks in 30mins" once those words left his mouth you felt more vomit arising.

Kneeling at the toilet you waited for puke to come. In its place tears rushed  down your checks.

@the studio

You sat alone in the back of the studio as the boys warmed up.

Jacks stare was burning a hole in your head. You looked up for a quick second and caught his gaze, his electric blue eyes drilling your brown ones.

Oh my lord...can I really be pregnant with jacks baby?

You touched your stomach. Your breathing began to stagger.

Johnson looked to your belly and back at you. His face confused yet worried.

You looked away and Shawn caught you two looking at each other and he now was giving you weird eyes.

This caused gilinsky to stop singing.

You felt the warm tears travel down your face.

"Y/n," Shawn and Johnson said at the same time.

You shook your head and left the studio.

You say outside the doors to the studio, knees pulled up head down.

"How could I let this happen?" you said in between sobs.

"Let what happen?" Shawn's voice was no longer soft and sweet. It was harsh and urgent.

A lump in your throat restricted you from saying anything. Shawn stood over you.

He knelt down to eye level and tried to search for an answer there.

"Let what happen Y/n?" He asked more sternly.

Angered shock  filled his eyes as if he already knew what happened.

I have to tell him

Wiping away the last tears you started,

"I'm s-so sorry baby. I-I was drunk and I don't know how it happened and,"

You went to say more but Shawn was already up.

He jetted back in the studio,  fist balled.

"Oh shit" you got up and tried to catch up.

"You dirty little bastard!" Shawn's voice howled as I heard his fist collide with Jacks face.

"What the fuck dude?!" Gilinsky held Shawn back.

"Fuuuck" Johnson laid  on the ground clutching his bleeding jaw.

"I can't believe I called you my brother," Shawn slowly turned to you

"And you? That's the real reason you were puking wasn't it?" She nodded his head putting the pieces together.

Your mouth was open but no words escaped

Shawn let out a chuckle,

"Stomach bug?" He put air quotes while saying. With that he stormed out the studio.

Gilinsky looked at us in disappointment and left along side Shawn.

Your heart was broken but you couldn't cry. No tears came.

You went to Johnson. Pulling out a napkin you put some water on it and tried to tend the injury on his face.

Johnson just stared at you. Stopping your hand, he held it in his.

His eyes locked on mine

"You're pregnant?" 

Omg  is all I have to say. What do you guys think?! Let me know! Until next time lovies 😘

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