Extra: Happy Birthday Kotobuki Reiji!

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A/N: Well, today is our fav Rei-chan Birthday!!! Why not celebrate ?! I even drew a picture =))

Today is Reiji-san birthday. I wonder what should i give him?

If i give Reiji-san something too flashy, Kurosaki-san will definately skin me alive.

If i give Reiji-san something ordinary, he would still skin me alive.


I walk down the familiar road down the street as i think of a give for Reiji-san.


My spine suddenly sniff out a wonderful and familiar smell. It's cold yet warm at the same time. Its definately.....

"Mikaze-kun~~~!" I rotated 90 degree with a stupid look, greeting Mikaze Ai.

"Hmmm, seeing you here means you're looking for a give for stupid Reiji." He replied coldly, ignoring my greeting.


Well, I'm slowly getting used to it.

"Mikaze-kun is also looking for a present for Reiji-san? I thought you would know what he like best!"

"Because I'm a perfectionist?"

"Oh no, I didn't mean to...." I made a mistake for saying that.

"It's fine, I often have people think of me as that." He replied coldly.

"My being might be a perfectionist, but I'm still the same as you all." Mikaze-kun continued.

"Yea, still, sorry for making you sad."

"Sad? What is... sad?" He said confusingly yet his face was still emotionless.

"Mikaze-kun, you can't feel sadness?"

"Sadness is something which my system can not analyze"

There he goes again, his "system" and "analyze", sometimes i really think he is a robot.

"Well, could Mikaze-kun and I go buy Reiji-san a present together? We might be able to find something if we work together!" I offered.

"..... I guess I might as well. My data said there is a store nearby that sells thing that Reiji might like." He replied emotionlessly which hasn't change since the very begining.

"Yes~!" I replied.

Back at Shinning Agency, members of both STARISH and Camus and Ranmaru were preparing a party for the birthday boy but it was Ranmaru who did most of it. He kept saying things like"You're not doing it right!" or "Hey! What the heck are you doing!?" to everyone, well at least that's what i heard.

I wonder why Ranmaru would do that? "grins"

He must really love Reiji-san so much that he was going all out for him.

When we came back, the first thing i saw was a three layered caked on the table. It had his face on it along with the words "Happy Birthday! Rei-chan!"

"Wow! What an amazing cake! Where did you bought it?" I asked.

"Kurosaki-san and Kotobuki-san's mother were the ones who made it." Masato replied.

"Sugoi! Ranmaru-san, you sure can cook!" I aplaused.

"Shut your trap! Don't you dare tell him that I made it, YOU HEAR!" Ranmaru yelled.

"Y...Yes sir!" I obey his commands.

Everyone told Shinning-san about the plan and had him distract Reiji. (I wonder what he did)

Night came, and everybody has prepared a present for their special friend/senpai.

The only thing missing was the birthday boy himself.

"Shinning-san is late." Otoya sigh.

"Did he forget the time?" Natsuki questioned.

"A man like Shinning would never be late for anything." Tokiya answed.

"Base on my data, Saotome took Reiji to a bar nearby and has not move from that spot." Ai spoke.

"Don't tell me, they went drinking?" Shou sigh.

"Seems like it." Masato agreed.

Then the door to the room opened.

"SHINNING-SAN!" Everyone was surprise by the present by their saichou.

"Sorry I am late. I just treat Mr.Kotobuki to some new clothing-desu" Shinning explained.

"He should be here in 3 minute-desu."

Everyone agreed on a sentence to surprise Reiji when he walk in. Then they wait silently in the room with the lights off.


"Huh? Why's the room so dark?" Reiji was confused.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! REI-CHAN!" Confetti splashed everywhere.

"Woah! My my!" Reiji was astonished.

"Everyone! Arigatou!! \@TvT@/" Reiji was so touch that he cried tears of joy.

"Reiji-san, in days like these you should smile so that everyone around you would also smile." I said, trying to stop his river of tears.

"Y...Yesh... You're right." Reiji stoped.

Just then, Ranmaru took a glass and a spoon, clanking them together, making noises to draw our attention.

"Kotobuki Reiji!" He yelled out Reiji-san's name.

"You're really annoying as a colleague. Tch, sometimes I really can't stand how carefree you are all the time! Making jokes, pranking me now and then..." Ranmaru began. Everyone started laughing at the choice of words he used.

"Hmpft, but I have to admit... " He continued

"Someone around like you sorta... Lightens up the mood at times? Heck, what am I saying..." He "praised" Reiji then quickly denied it.

"Oh Ran-chan can't you do something decent for once?" Ren jokingly said.

"Oh shut it! I'm doing my best, oh right?!" Ranmaru yelled at Ren then continues.

"Though from what I heard, today is a special day huh?"

He took a deep breath then let it out.

"Happy Birthday, Reiji." Ranmaru wishes his lover a happy birthday with a almost smile on his face.

"Aww, Ran-Ran~~" Reiji was touch. He has never seen this side of Ranmaru before.

Reiji quickly pulled Ranmaru in for a big hug then whisper:

"Thank you, Ran-Ran. You're all I could ever wish to have in this world."

Then the party continued with joy and laughter.





Rei-chan! Otanjōbi omedetō!!!!

Hope you like this little extra!!!

A/N: This was fixed as i saw so many mistakes! Gomen to everyone who read this before the fix!

And also this story happens when Starish just won the Utapri Award.

If you want to know what happen to Ai-chan and Daichi then wait for the next chappy!!

Thank you everyone for your support!! <3


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