The Truth Revealed

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As we got to Saotome Academy's sister school, there was already a few of them standing there waiting for us to come.

"Damn, can't they just leave us alone for 3 minutes?!" I shouted.

The two doctors looks at each other then nodded.

"Daichi-san, we will block them, so please bring him in. Tell the nurse to take you to Hakase-san." One of the doctor said.


"It will be okay. This isn't the first time this happened." The other doctor said.

It isn't the first time?


"Daichi-san! Now!" the two doctors yelled.

"Y-yes!" I followed their instructions and head to the hospital.

Since I got to rest a little on the ride, some of my strength somewhat returned. I immediately dashed my way to the hospital door.

I make a break at the nurses desk.

"Please take us to Hakase-san!" I uttered.

"R-right this way." The nurse showed me the way.

Since it's a hospital and a school, I can't make noise or else I'll bother both the patients and the students. I followed the nurse walking gently.

The nurse sigh of relieve.

After a few turns, we reached Hakase-san's room.

The nurse knocked on the door to inform our arrival.

"Hakase-san? He's here." The nurse said.

"Right, let them in." Hakase-san replied.

"Right this way." The nurse pointed me the way.

I stepped inside the room.

It was pretty much like the rest of the rooms. As I look in front of me, I see a brown-haired man with glasses sitting with his back turned. He slowly turns around, looked at me then gazes his eyes to Mikaze-kun.
"Put him here" he said.

"R-right." I put Mikaze-kun on the table Hakase-san pointed at.

A table? Not a bed?

Hakase-san then takes out a torch light pen then opens Mikaze-kun's left eye.

"Hmm" he hums as he closes Mikaze-kun's left eye.

Now he opens the right eye.

Wait, usually looking at one eye is good enough, why look at both of them?

Daichi has a medical diploma, so he understands very well about check ups and medications.

As Hakase-san opens Mikaze-kun's right eye, Daichi noticed something.

The left eye's pupil wasn't dilated yet, the right eye's pupil dilated.

What the heck?!

"I see" Hakase-san breaks the silence.

"You." He pointed

"Y-yes?" I replied.

"Get out." He said monotonously.

"Why can't I stay?" I asked.

"What happens here stays between me and my patient." He replied.

"But don't forget there are also paparazzi lurking around. So it's my job to stop them from leaking this out." I added.

"These are the words directly from Ai, your actions mean disobeying him." He started.

"Well too bad. I'm his senpai here. And it's my job to take care of him when he's in harm." I ended.

Hakase-san sigh.

"You've got a stubborn one on your hands this time Ai. I don't think I can cover for you this time." Hakase-san said to Mikaze-kun who is still unconscious.

Yes, I get to stay.

"But, on one condition." Hakase-san continued.


"What you see today must never be told to anyone. Not even Saotome himself." Hakase-san warned.

"R-right." I replied.

"Great, now carry him and follow me."

Carry where? This rooms seems like it has all the required items needed.

Hakase-san then take out a pad of some sort. There were numbers on it.

He then tabbed on the numbers in a different order from the tab. A pass code?

As he finishes, the ground right above his feet opens up, revealing a staircase leading down.

What the?

"Come." He commands.

I followed him down the stairs.

As we reached the end of the stairs, it was completely dark. Hakase-san then held up his hands then clap twice. Lights started lighting up one by one.

It was a laboratory. Machines and wires are everywhere.

Why are we bringing Mikaze-kun down here?

Hakase-san then uncovers the bed that still looks new.

"Alright, lay him here." He ordered.

What am I? Your butler?

I still did what he said.

As I lay him down, Hakase-san took out his laptop and started to plug all kinds of wires to it. Then he started bringing all the connectors together over to Mikaze-kun's direction.

"Sit over there will you. Don't get in the way." He said.


I sat down on a chair nearby.

What is he planning to do?

As he reached the bed, he unbutton Mikaze-kun's shirt.


As he finishes, he did something with Mikaze-kun's chest. I couldn't see because Hakase-san's body was in my sight.

Suddenly, a plate popes out and under that plate was a disk and other bunch of machinery.

"What the?! What did you do?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

He then moves away from my field of vision. I was astonish.

"As you can see, Ai is a robot. An A.I. or Artificial Intelligence, to be precise." Hakase-san explained.

"Mikaze-kun is a robot?!"

My One A.I.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ