Mikaze Ai is Aine Kisaragi?

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My name is Daichi Katsu, I’m 18 and currently working in Raging Entertainment. My boss of course is the one and only Raging Otori. My friends are Katakiri Hibiki and Onpa Kei who works with me.

Since Otori-san hates Shining-san so so sooooo very much, you’re expecting that I hate him too? No, of course not! What kind of person do you think I am? I think both Raging and Shining are wonderful companies. Apparently Hibiki and Kei both disagree with my judgment. I think their hatred isn’t for Shining-san but their ex-friend who I believe is Kotobuki Reiji. They were the best of friends back in school along with Kisaragi Aine until one day Aine disappeared, leaving everything behind. The three of them had a big fight about it and now they are a mess. Just looking at the two of them complaining day by day about the fact that who did this and that or who is guilty for whatever junk is it.......

… Is just … ANNOYING!

But I can’t say that to their face, they’re my friends so I’ll just have to deal with it for now.

Aine Kisaragi, now that is one amazing person. Back to the time when I was young and innocent, I used to stay up late just to listen to his beautiful and soft voice before going to bed. The sound was just so pure and touching that I could never missed a single note.

“What a beautiful voice…” I said to myself. Those were the happy days until the news came of his disappearance. That was a big shock to my tiny little innocent life. I thought that maybe, if I could make a song so beautiful and truthful that one day, he might come back and sing again. I became an Idol just for that single thought.

-Raging Entertainment main building-

“Mr.Daichi” Otori-san said looking at my direction, surprising Hibiki and Kei. 

“Yes?” I replied.

“There will be a battle deciding on the reputation of our company's and THEIRS.” Otori said, pressing down on the word “theirs”. I can already tell who he is implying to.

“I see, who will I be competing with?” I asked boldly.

“Mikaze Ai of the pioneer prince.” He said with a dead serious glare.

“Mikaze Ai?” I asked, dripping a cold sweat.

“He’s a PERFECTIONIST.” Otori scolded angrily.

“A… what? Why am I up against a perfectionist?”I asked, more sweat dripping down my chin.

 “You better win, or else you’re fired!” He said, dead serious.

Man, I better not mess this up.

“Yes sir…”I sigh, wondering if god is still looking out for me.

“Good luck man!” Kei said, tapping his palm on my shoulder.

“Mikaze Ai… It’s the first time I’ve heard of him.” Hibiki thought out loud while rubbing his chin.

“Well whoever he is, I better beat the hell out of him or I’m saying bye-bye to my career.” I said with a depress voice.

A perfectionist… how am I going to manage?

“Well, gotta get out of here and start making songs! See ya guys.” I said, waving goodbye and disappear out of the building.

“Yea, good luck.” Hibiki bit his goodbye while Kei stood their with a grin and waved.

I went straight home.

“Meow :3” my kitty cat meow as I opened the door.      

“Oh hey Shou-chan :3” I said while rubbing his fat belly as he rolled.

I dropped my bag which was full of nothing but lyrics sheets and ran up to my bedroom.

I turned on my mac-book and started to search for “Mikaze Ai”/“美風藍”.

His profile was very little. All it showed was his name, age, and companies which he used to work for.

“Hm, 178cm… shorter than me…obviously.” i smirk as i checked out his details.

“Wow, he’s only 15! And he’s a perfectionist!” 

Mikaze Ai, he’s really an amazing person. He’s younger than me and he’s already more successful than me. I searched for his picture, what i saw before me through the thick class of my screen is a beautiful pale young man. His hair looked soft and luscious, his body not too skinny nor too fat, his finger tip was round and not too long…

“What a beauty!” I said to myself, feeling something in my chest jumping rapidly.

“Wait… He look like someone…” 

That face, that eyes, that smile… It can’t be…

I tapped continuously searching for his songs. The song was called Haru Na no Ni/ 春なのに. 

That voice… it could only be…

Aine Kisaragi

My mind went into chaos. Did he came back? Why is he named “Mikaze Ai” now?


He came back…

That the only thing that matters…

I must go see him!

I rushed my body as quick as i could to the doorway, putting on shoes with fast movements and leave to see Ai.

That voice made my heart skip a beat, only Aine’s songs can do that. Aine, I’ve missed you. I’ve missed your songs so much.

Then i stopped. Suddenly realising something important...

"If Mikaze Ai is Aine Kisaragi, doesn’t that mean i’m battling against Aine? Oh god no. This can’t be right. I can’t compare my songs and his! He will win for sure! No no no no no no no! Wait a freakin minute Daichi! This might just be a coincident. You’ve got to make sure that he really is Aine before making rash decisions. Yea..., let’s go meet this Mikaze Ai and ask the guy himself for the answer."

I started to run again.

“FULL SPEED TO: Shinning Agency!”   

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