The one named AI

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"Mikaze-kun is a robot?!" I shouted, my expression was utterly speechless.

Hakase-san nodded, not saying a word as he knows it would only confuses me even more.

I sat back down, my mind blown.

"This is the very reason why I demanded you to get out." Hakase-san sigh.

What is love?

Love is something that my system fail to analyze. It is also something I can't feel.

That's what he meant... Mikaze-kun....

Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you.

"Hey doc, tell me something" I blunt out.

"Yes?" Hakase-san replied, continuing to fix Ai who was still laying on the bed.

"Were you the one who created him?" I asked.

"Yes. Naturally since I am fixing him." Hakase-san replied.

"Then tell me something, why does he look so much like Aine Kisaragi?"

This was the very question I wanted to know the most but couldn't find the answer. Is it just a coincident?

"....." Hakase-san paused for a long time.

"It isn't a coincident isn't it?" I continued

"....." Hakase-san continues to fix Ai, avoiding the question.

"Hey, say something!" I yelled.

"When the right time comes, Ai will tell you himself." Hakase-san said.

The room went silent.

Hmmm, what could the reason be? Why can't he just tell me now?

I'm so confused.

And after this, I have to explain the incident to the president too.

"All right, he's all done." Hakase-san broke the silent.

"Oh? So he's fine now?" I curiously look at Mikaze-kun like he's some kind of strange creature. Well, he is a robot. C'mon, I know you're curious too.

I stared at him, analyzing him from top to bottom.

Is he really a robot? He looks so alive...

I stared at his face.
Ahhh so cute. I just want constantly kiss him.

I suddenly remembered when I kissed Mikaze-kun under water.
His lips were so soft. Far softer than a girl's lips. And his waist was so slender.... It feels like one false move and I could've break it
I blushed without thinking.
Suddenly Mikaze-kun opened his eyes. As they opened, you can hear those mechanic sounds from machines working as he powered up. His eyes were like computer screens, it shows his heartbeat analysis, stats,...
Huh, if he's a robot why would he have heart analysis?
I was about to open my mouth and asked but Ai had finished starting up.
" Mikaze-kun!" I screamed
"Why are you here?" Ai asked
"Why? You drowned! Of course I would be here! I'm worried about you!" I replied
" I see. And you being in this room with Hakase-san must mean you know now." Ai added
" Unfortunately yes, he knows" Hakase-san sigh
"Daichi, please leave the room for a while, I need to speak with him privately." Ai requested
"Alright, I'll be outsiders if you need me."
I walked out the door

Yea, like hell I'm just gonna stand here and and wait!
I slowly put my ear on the door, trying not to mark a sound.
I heard Mikaze-kun's voice
"He connected again." Ai said
"What did he say?" Hakase-san asked

" I don't want to feel this anymore. Please end it. "

"..." Hakase-san became quiet
" The beach must have triggered him." Hakase-san sigh
" He has been quite active lately " Ai added
" This is the fifth time you collapsed this month, I might have to tell the president to let you lay low for a while " Hakase-san said
".... After the movie. If I go low now it will effect both Quarter Night and Daichi. " Ai said
" Very well, at least he can help since he knows." Hakase-san said
" You should stay the night here to avoid the paparazzi " Hakase-san added
" Yes. " Ai replied

I'm so confused!!
Who is "he"?
Why is Mikaze-kun connected to him?

I hear footsteps approaching, I moved away from the door and acted like I was doing nothing.
The door opens.
"Daichi was it" Hakase-san said
"Y..yes" I shivered
He handed me a letter
"Sent this to the president, it will save you the trouble of explaining it to him."
"Okay?" I took the letter and put it in my pocket
" Come with me, I'll take you to the office." Hakase-san said
"Okay.... Wait, what?!" I yelled
"God stop screaming, it's a hospital you know." Hakase-san scolded
"Sorry, but why are you taking me there? I can get back by myself." I questioned
" There's a swap of paparazzi out there,  do you think they will let you go through?" Hakase-san continued
"Oh right, I forgot about them " I sigh
We both walked to the employee's parking lot.

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