Chapter 27: Malice

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay? I thought you were in class." Levi told me in surprise.

"I thought you were supposed to rest." I told him back, without looking at his face.

"I have a test." He said, just as the bell rang.

"And I failed that test because of you." I mumbled but Levi didn't hear it.

"What?" He asked me when the shrill sound of the bell finished.

"Please forget everything you heard." I said, grabbing his head and wanting to plunge my fingers into his head to take away the memory of what happened just now. If only that was possible!

Levi gave me a startled look and then a smirk appeared on his face slowly.

"It's a bit disturbing that you are wishing I would get pregnant..but it's okay I guess..It's a step in the right direction. I am sure you are very eager about a kid and it will happen because I am not going anywhere. So, don't worry about it. Let's focus on what needs to happen to get pregnant. It can happen, as soon as we are together..alone. You and me is all we need to make it happen. So, think a bit more on that Elliot." He whispered against my lips. My eyes widened like saucers as he leaned in and gently kissed my lips.

"Think more about me, Elliot." He told me with a smile before he left. I heard things crashing and falling. I turned to see Natalie, her friends and Daniella standing there with their mouth open and their books on the floor.

I wished I could disappear as they all looked at me accusingly.

"What the hell was that?" Natalie was the first one speak. She seemed outraged.

"" I didn't know what to say.

"Levi kissed you?" Sarah said in a high pitched, shrill voice.

"What the hell? You've been kidding us saying you want to be a boy, while you've been fucking Levi all along." One other girl sniped. I looked around. Several people were staring. The girls seemed to be staring daggers at me.

I think my day is just going to go downhill from worse to hell.

"We need to talk." Daniella said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the girl's bathroom. The others followed. I didn't resist.

" to explain?" Natalie asked maliciously. I looked at all of them.

"Why are you all angry?" I asked uneasily.

"Duh..don't pretend to be clueless. You know we like Levi." Sarah said peevishly.

"How could you give us hope to get Levi when your eyes have been on him the whole time? You backstabbing bitch." Another girl said furiously.

"I..I didn't mean to. He is the one who said he loves me. I..just don't know." I said finally.

They all stared at me.

"So..this is only just him loving you?" Daniella asked me.

"Wait! Levi loves this?" Sarah asked disparagingly pointing to all of me.

"You need to talk. Did he really say he loves you?" Daniella asked me and I blinked. In some part of my mind, I wondered if I even had to answer. But they were my friends. So probably I owed an explanation. They were right. I knew many of them had the hots for Levi. It would seem like a betrayal to them.

I nodded miserably in answer to Danny's question.

"Unbelievable." I heard mutters from the girls.

"You mean you didn't do anything to seduce him?" Sarah asked me.

"Seduce him?" I asked her quizzically.

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