"Marco, are you sure about this man? It's a risky plan and if it doesn't work out then-"

"Then we all die a horrible and painful death against the bad guys. Trust me I'm familiar with the danger that comes with being a shadow knight. Now are you gonna help me or not? Because if you don't, they're gonna kill Star, without any hesitation . And it'll always be on your conscience that you could've prevented that. And frankly, I don't think you'd be able to go on with that on your mind. " Marco told him sternly.  He didn't like threatening anyone, especially if they're a demon who can retaliate at any given moment, but Tom just stood there with a worried look before sighing.

"Fine, but we need to time it perfectly. If not, it'll fail and you guys will die." Tom finally spoke.

"We'll need some sort of signal. Maybe a keyword will do, but that means you have to be listening. Perhaps it should be something that won't give it away so easily." Marco was pondering. He snapped his fingers as he came up with a word and whispered it into the mirror.

"Hmm, I guess it would make sense. The enemy would hear it and assume it's something else right? Let's use that word then." Tom said as he agreed with Marco's choice of word.

"Alright, glad we got that settled. Thanks Tom." Marco told him as he reached for the button.

"Marco." Tom called out as he got Marco's attention again. "Are you absolutely sure about this? What if it all goes right? I mean I know that's the goal but dude..." Tom trailed off. Marco sighed as he understood what Tom was referring to.

"It's the only way Tom. I wish I had another idea, but if we don't do this they'll just destroy Echo Creek. It has to be this way." Marco explained. Tom sighed as he scratched his head.

"Alright man, I'll trust you on this one. Just try not to get yourself or anyone else killed man. You got a pretty dangerous battle ahead of you." Tom told him as Marco chuckled.

"I always got something dangerous near me. But I'll be ok, just make sure the plan works and it'll all work out." Marco chuckled. Tom rolled his eyes at Marco's pseudo nonchalant attitude. You didn't need to be a psychic to see how worried he was.

"Well, good luck man. And keep Star safe alright? Last thing I wanna hear is something happened to her too." Tom told Marco seriously. Marco nodded his head with determination in his eyes.

"I'll make sure she's safe by the end of this. I'll save them all." Marco said with conviction. Tom nodded and hit the end call button, but not before giving Marco one last thumbs up. Marco finally sighed as he sat on the ground.

"You can come in now Star!" Marco yelled. However, Star didn't answer. He grew confused and went over to the door and opened it, only to find Star wasn't there. He searched the entire house and not only was Star not there, Janna and Jack were also gone. Marco was about to panic when a voice rang out from the living room.

"Don't worry, they're ok." Angel said from the couch. She was sitting there fuming slightly. Marco sat on the couch next to the one Angel was on.

"So, where did they go?" Marco asked her. She sighed and grabbed the remote and started flickering through channels in frustration.

"I don't know, and frankly I don't care." Angel told him. Marco was puzzled. Why was Angel so upset? Then it dawned on him. Jack and Angel has grown close ever since the first day they met. And now he was gone with 2 girls were alone with him in some random area that she doesn't know about.

"Hehe. That's kinda funny." Marco chuckled as Angel turned to him with a look of pure contempt. It was a look that lasted one second before she lunged at him, dagger in hand and a his throat while she was on top of him, face to face. He noticed how red her face was and he also noticed how she was kinda sitting on him but he wasn't gonna point that out. For the sake of his throat that is.

Oh god, I'm starting to think like Janna...that's not good. Marco sighed inwardly as he thought about his friend choices. But for now he had to worry about a very emotionally unstable Angel above him.

"What's. So. Funny?" She growled at him. He chuckled nervously as she was reaching for something in on the table but she grabbed his hand and pinned it down. She was really close to his face now and he could practically feel her chest as she was breathing heavily out of rage and embarrassment.

"Well I just find it a little funny how worried you are about Jack is all-gack!" He said as she made her dagger dissappear and grabbed his neck as she got even closer.

"Shut up you idiot. You have no idea what goes through my head, so why do you think you automatically know what I'm thinking!?" Angel yelled as Marco saw his chance. With one quick motion, enhance with his powers and his karate training, he quickly flipped his over, held her arms to her side and was face to face with her now.

"I'd suggest calming down Angel. Before we both do something stupid ok?" He said as he let his eyes go red and looked her in the eyes. She suddenly felt a new and yet familiar  feeling in her. And it wasn't necessarily a bad one, but she wasn't sure how to feel about it. So she turned her head, her entire face as red as a beat now, and went silent as her breathing got even heavier. And either Marco was hallucinating, or there was something akin to steam coming out every time she breathed. Suddenly his eyes went back to normal as he got off her frantically.

"Oh man I'm sorry Angel, I don't know what came over-" but his words didn't reach her as she ran past him and up the stairs. She ran into Star's bathroom and closed the door and locked it. Marco sighed as he rubbed his head.

With Angel...

Angel was trying to still her beating heart, but it wouldn't slow down and her face wouldn't stop heating up. She looked down and was in shock. And then she fell to her knees and held herself.

Why...why do they both do this to me...? Why...do I do this to myself? Angel asked herself as she just sat there and held herself back from going nuts and destroying the bathroom.

That may or may not be my fault. Suddenly, Angel heard a voice and spun around before she felt a large amount of pain on her forehead before she fell to the floor. Hi there Angel! I'm your new pal for life, how we can gET ALonG!

Back downstairs...

"I'm gonna have to apologize to her later. That wasn't very nice of me." Marco sighed again. Suddenly the front door was unlocked and his friends all walked in, but what he hadn't expected was how best up they all were. Well, all except Star that is.

"Hey Marco!  We're back!" Star said as she skipped cheerfully past him and went to the kitchen while Jack and Janna trudged near him before passing out on the floor.

"Soooooooo Star, mind telling me what happened? "Marco asked curiously. Star giggled before she opened the fridge.

"Oh, that's a longgggg story."

But happened in this long story? Find out next time! Yeah this chapter was more meant for just preparation for a big battle and a little bit of fanservice for those Marco x Angel shippers out there. Hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry for the wait, summer vacation makes you very lazy to do anything. But I had to pump out a new chapter so I hope you guys enjoyed! As usual, be sure to vote, comment, and follow for more updates! I'm writing a new Remnant is Unbreakable chapter so look out for that one on the horizon. See yall next time!

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