Time to Prepare

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Marco groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. He felt really tired and sluggish for some reason. But he couldn't figure out why...oh yeah that's right, he had a horrible vision last night that was shared between 3 of his friends...not pleasant. Luckily, today was a Saturday and it was a 4 day weekend. So his plan had time. But he had to make a quick call first, to someone he didn't necessarily get along with.

Star's room

"Marco, will you please just tell me why you need to borrow my magic mirror? What if Pony Head or my mom calls me?" Star had been very irritated with Marco when he busted into her room and woke her up abruptly. She was in the middle of a pleasant dream until he woke her up.

"Star, just trust me ok? I can't explain it right now but I promise in the near future I will ok? Just trust me." Marco pleaded with her. She glared at him but huffed as she walked out of her room. "But this better not take too long. Otherwise imma-!"

"Yeah yeah I get it Star. Thank you for being compliant." Marco told her. She shook her head and left. He closed the door behind her and locked it so that no one could bust in and interupt him. He sighed as he pressed the button on the mirror to begin the call.

"Can't believe I'm actually resorting to this but...Call Tom." Marco ordered the mirror. It's reflection grew distorted and warped before an image appeared in it. The demon looked stressed out and was sweating nervously. As if he had seen a ghost.

"Tom? You good man?" Marco asked startling Tom. He glanced at Marco before he started fuming.

"You...you're the one who-!"

"Not now Tom! You can try to destroy me later. Right now, I have a huge favor to ask you." Marco interupted the demon, his eyes slightly glowing red in agitation.

"Tch, and why should I do any favors for you? You ruined my chances with Star!" Tom screamed, but Marco wasn't fazed. Instead, he let his brown irises turn completely red.

"Because you could be the key to saving Star's life." Marco said answered calmly. Suddenly, Tom's rage died down and his look of hatred was replaced with confusion.

"What? Save Star's life from what?" Tom asked worriedly. Marco sighed as he sat down in front of the mirror.

"It's a long story. But I need you to listen to this story so my plan works out. Are you ready?" Marco asked. Tom cupped his chin in thought but sighed as he sat down on his throne.

"Fine. Give me every detail about what's happened, and what's your plan?" Tom asked.

"Hope you got some snacks, this is gonna take a while..."

1 hour later....

Tom's mouth stayed agape the entire time Marco discussed the recent events and his plan. He had a look of disbelief mixed with shock, awe, and fear.

"And this is what you've been dealing with for the past few months? And this is your ultimate plan?" Tom asked worriedly. After hearing about Shadow Knights and how dangerous the ones against Marco are, he felt legitimately nervous as well.

"Yeah, crazy right? And what's with the look, that's the best idea right now alright? Unless you want to help us fight them?" Marco asked. Tom began sweating again and shook his head. Marco was puzzled but showed it inwardly. Why was Tom so afraid of Shadow Knights? The dude was a freaking demon for crying out loud! But Marco decided to focus on that on a later time, if he had a later time that is.

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