The New Kid

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7:00 AM. Not the time Janna was expecting to wake up that morning. After all she didn't have school anymore, so why was she up this morning.

"Star! Get up, we gotta go back to school!" Marco yelled from downstairs. His voice echoed throughout the house and had succeeded in waking up Janna on accident. God dang it Marco, why can't you lower your sweet voice to a 3?

"Could you please hurry it up Star? If I were you I would rather not be late for my first day back at school." Angel scolded her from downstairs. Janna always hated the way 'old' Angel talked. So regal and fancy, it ticked her off.

"COMING!" Star yelled as she burst out of her room door and started running down the stairs, bumping into walls and railings much to Janna's annoyance. Why did she have to be so loud? Despite these 3 being one of her few friends, they all had something that really bugged her. Of course she could forgive Marco, but the other two not so much.

Sigh, endure it Janna. It's all for Marco remember?  It's all for Marco. She had to remind herself. She had it bad for Marco, that much was obvious yo everyone including her. Even Star had some kind of hunch, despite how....airheaded she can be. The only person who didn't know was Marco surprisingly. He thought that the Janna who kissed him back then was just one being controlled by her lust.

The idiot didn't even realize those were my true feelings...Yare yare, I thought this would be easier... Janna sighed to herself. She sat up and looked outside her window to see Marco, Angel, and Star running as fast as they could to the school. Janna grunted as she sat up and made her way downstairs.

"Great...looks like it's gonna be another boring day." She said to herself as she reached for the cereal. That is until something clasped her shoulder.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that hunny." The intruder had said to Janna. She dropped her spoon on fear and felt a chill go down her spine. She was a fool to think they wouldn't come after her. She sighed and collected herself.

"What do you want, Greed?" She asked with a dangerous edge to her voice as she addressed the intruder. They let out a hearty laugh at her attempt to scare them back.

"Oh please Janna, drop the formalities. " They said as they forced Janna to face them. She made the mistake of looking into their eyes. She suddenly felt...odd. Like she couldn't control herself...

"How about you run a little errand for me?"


"Good grief Marco, why didn't you just do your cool little portal thingy to get us here faster?" Star complained as she rubbed her feet which hurt from running.

"Star, we can't use our powers for everything, that'll make us lazy and plus, I prefer not getting stared at everytime I come out of nowhere." Marco answered her.

"Plus Star, me and you are already getting enough stares as it is." Angel said. Due to Star's sudden wardrobe change and the fact she almost is identical to Angel has caused her to get alot of stares, especially from the boys. The two were quickly becoming know as the "Twin Beauties", a name given to the pair by the males in the school.

"I know...I just hate running, cuz then my legs get tired and then I start feeling like bleeehhhhh." Star responded. She may fight monsters almost everyday of the week, but she wasn't in the best shape she could be in. She knew it and so did the others.

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