Rules Before You Proceed

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1. There would be a new chapter every week In sha' Allaah and each of those chapters would contain a simple act of worship you would have to perform with all earnestness the entire week.

2. From the day I published one chapter to the day I publish the next (i.e more or less 7 days) - it would be called the preparatory week.

3. You would have to commit to the prescribed act of worship the entire preparatory week before you move on to the next act.

4. You would have to comment 'Done Alhamdulillah' before you move on to the next act.

5. Sometimes I might mention a few things that you already do on a daily basis. If so, do not skip to the next act. Take it as an opportunity to check if you are doing the act of worship properly or not.

6. Just because the preparatory period for one act has gotten over, it doesn't mean you can abandon it. The long preparatory period is only to give you enough time to get used to the act.
So if you go to the second act, you should have made the first your routine. If you move on to the third, you should have made the first and second act of worship your routine and so on.

So peeps take a deep breath, make an intention of pleasing Allaah and scroll down for your first assignment!

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