Chapter Seventeen

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The first day of school. Rowan wasn't excited at all. It just another a normal day.

She woke up without any excitement. She didn't want to see Sabrina at college. She didn't know how to be a girlfriend at school. She didn't want people to know she was in a relationship with a girl. Rowan still had some things to talk with Oliver.

Students were passing by, but Rowan was just sitting next to Corey on the grass. She was trying to read a book, but it was complicated because, on her mind, there were only three things: Sabrina, Oliver and the unknown number.

"I think Jade is mad at me," Corey said.

"No, she's not," Rowan said keeping her eyes on her book.

"You can't know that."

"Duh, it's obvious she wants you to be more romantic." Rowan smiled at him. "And also, she's my girl's friend."

"Yeah, you girls keep talking about me," Corey smirked.

"Easy boy, we don't talk about you all the time."


"That's exactly what I thought you'd say," Alice said.

Alice and Jeremy were standing behind Rowan and Corey. Alice put her purse on the grass and took a seat, Jeremy just leaned back on the grass.

"You know I'm just giving her shit, right?" Corey said.

"I know... Just giving you shit, by the way." Alice winked her eye. "You didn't turn off the coffee maker this morning."

"It was Jeremy turn."

"I didn't even drink coffee!" Jeremy said.

They all started laughing and making jokes about each other.
Rowan needed that. Rowan needed to be with her friends for a moment. She didn't want to think about anything else. She wanted to feel normal.

She stared at her friends for a moment. She stared at Alice who was talking about feminism with Corey, and then she stared at Jeremy. She liked to see Jeremy studying when Alice and Corey were arguing. It was like they weren't there to bother him. Now it was different because she knew that Jeremy was like her. She felt normal when she was around him.

"Row, can we talk for a sec?"

Rowan knew that voice perfectly. She was frightened. She could identify that sound in a crowded room, and at that moment she could feel a hole in her stomach.
Everything was normal. Everything was fine. Her friends were talking like nothing had happened. Of course, they waved Sabrina but just like always.

"Row?" Sabrina said.

"Uhm, yeah," Rowan said a little bit distracted.

Sabrina started to walk away from the guys. She stopped when they were under the shade of a tree.

"What's going on?" Sabrina was worried.

"Nothing." Rowan tried to smile like she always does when something's wrong.

"Seriously. What's going on? You' haven't answered my phone calls since last Friday."

"Because I was busy with school stuff."

"Yeah, right."

"Everything's fine. The last thing I want is having a fight with you." Rowan said.

In the way Rowan was talking, Sabrina felt hurt. She wanted to help her, but Rowan was pushing her away every time. That was something new for Sabrina. She didn't know this phase of Rowan. The best thing she could do for now was leaving her alone for a moment, just letting Rowan take her time.

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