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Mamé's POV

"Mommy, when's daddy coming back?" Kj asked from the back seat.

"We'll see him soon, baby." I responded, even though it was going to be a good week or 2 before we see him again. Kenyana left for New Jersey three days ago, and the kids have been asking about him non stop. We've explained how he has to go away for business for sometime, but they don't understand that it will be a while until the next time they see him. Even though we FaceTime every night, I know it's not the same to them. In two or three weeks, I'll be driving down to Sacramento for Yatta's next performance out there, then to LA.

He apologized to me about the whole Stunna situation multiple times and of course I said I forgive him, but it was the lying part that wasn't sitting right with me. The situation was so little and the argument could've all been prevented if he was just honest, there was no reason to lie at all. I let him know how I felt and we ended up squashing the situation, but I still can't help but to think about his lying ways. If he lied about something as small as a little text message, who knows what else he would lie to me about. I don't want to be that crazy, stalker type of female, but the lying really has to stop before it gets worst. I've been nothing but an understanding and loving wife to him and mother to our children, I've never asked for anything from him but to keep it on the real with me. I don't know who that was that lied to me about something as small as a message, but that's truly not the man I fell in love with.

"Mommy, are we almost at grandma's house?" Cyncere asked, playing with her tablet.

"Yes, we're almost there princess."

"Okay! And are we still going to Disneyland tomorrow?"

"Of course, baby. With your uncles and your cousins." I replied. Karl and Cyncere were too excited, ready to see their family members and to spend the weekend at Disneyland.

Since Karl is now on Winter break, I decided to take them down to LA so they can spend some time with their grandparents and other family members from my side. The drive down to LA from the Bay is about 6 to 7 hours, so we took a flight here and had my cousin Imani pick us up from LAX.

"Disneyland is gonna be so much fun, I haven't been there in years." Imani spoke as we finally entered the city of Inglewood. We passed by Randy's Donuts that looked to be under construction, and Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, which I'll make sure we go to before we leave here. It was packed outside as usual, but I'll try to fit it in to a day where we don't have much planned.

"We used to go all the time as kids, that place is so expensive." I responded as we passed the Forum.

"Who you telling, once we hit 4th grade wasn't no more Disneyland." She spoke.

A couple more minutes passed and we were pulling up to my parents house. I was super excited to see everyone, since the last time we were all together was last month at Karl's birthday party. I helped all the kids out the car, before grabbing the bags. Before I could grab the next bag out the trunk, my brother stopped me.

"Shad!" I was nearly screaming as I jumped into his arms, hugging him tight. My baby brother has been over seas pursuing his dream of playing professional basketball. He's been traveling back and forth between Lithuania and  California for two years now. He wasn't able to make it to Karl's birthday party, but sent a couple gifts to make up for it.

"I missed you, lil sis." He smirked. He stood 6'4, a little shorter than the average professional ball player, but he was tall enough to me.

"You must've hit yo head, baby bro." I laughed.

"Is that my baby girl, Cyn? Kj, you growing up! And Neems, you getting big lil man!" His nephews and niece wasted no time latching onto him. As usual, he was pulling out money from his pockets and spoiling them like crazy.

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