A Rock And A Hard Place

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He flipped back onto his feet, a split second before the mercenaries hit the floor. A mercenary tossed by Audrey went flying over his head. An energy blast from Hiroshi struck the flying man and he went hurling back the way he came, disappearing amidst the swarm of mercs Audrey was fighting through.

Tuatara ran past Jason. He hissed, "Audrey! Like we practiced!" Audrey spun around, casually knocking a few mercs away, and leaned down, cupping her giant hands. Tuatara jumped into them and kicked off. He went sailing over her head and for a moment, time seemed to slow. Jason watched, as Tuatara floated slowly over the crowd of mercenaries, his body spread eagle and taunt. His claws at the ready. The mercs below were raising their guns, screaming, their eyes wide and frightened.

Then the brief lapse of slow motion passed. Tuatara fell forward, claws flashing as he tore through the mercs below him. He vanished amidst the swarm and the mercenaries start crying out, trying to back off, firing wildly on his position. Blood went flying amidst the crowd of bodies and Jason heard the unmistakable sounds of ripping flesh, mixed with enemy howls of pain. He smiled.

Audrey spun back around and continued forward, sweeping her arms and knocking five guys into the walls. With the sea of mercs parted slightly, Jason caught a glimpse between Audrey's legs of Tuatara. The lizard boy was constantly moving, slashing at enemy weakpoints. He tore at merc faces, throats, using their own bodies as cover as he slashed anything close to him apart. Skeleton Crew bodies were falling all around him, bullets whizzing past the lizard boy but unable to hit him.

Jason was about to charge after them, when James suddenly cried from behind him. "Jason Laureen everyone!" He cried. Jason spun around, seeing James jerking his thumbs down the secondary hallways next to their own. "More people approaching more more more I hear the dreadful clomping of boots!"

"Shit!" Jason cried. He motioned to James and the man scurried behind him. Laureen spun around, as did Hiroshi, while Audrey and Tuatara kept forging ahead, tearing through the mercs ahead of them. Indeed, Jason heard two groups of loud footsteps coming down next the hallways, clomping toward them.

It was a trap, Jason realized. They just tossed a group of mercenaries at us to lure us in then tossed a second group to come in from behind and sandwich us in. Fuckers!

Laureen spat fire from at the first hallway, entrance. Flames hit the floor, the door frame catch ablaze. Jason caught a glimpse of figures beyond the flames, mere dark shadows in its crackling light, yelling and backing up from the intense heat.

He then whirled around, as three more figures burst around the bend. Skeleton Crew mercenaries, clad in heavy armor, two of them wielding grenade launcher, while a third carried a heavy machine gun.

Hiroshi blasted one of the grenade launcher wielding mercs, the blast forcing the man back a few steps. The man with the machine gun opened fire, Hiroshi zipping aside as the heavy caliber weapon shredded through pipes overhead. Bursts of steam flooded the hallway, as several pieces of metal came loose and rained down around them.

Jason hurled himself at the man, yelling loudly to get his attention. The second launcher merc raised his grenade launcher and Jason flipped himself forward. Grabbing a low hanging pipe, he swung himself at the man and slammed his feet into the gun. The launcher was ripped from the man's hangs, spinning off down the hall.

Jason hit the ground between the three mercs. He swung around, punching the second merc again in the chest. The blow dented the man's armor and the man staggered but didn't fall. The mercenary with the heavy machine gun swung the gun at Jason, opening fire again. Jason dived forward, rolling between the man's legs as gunfire exploded over him. He rammed his fist upward, slamming it hard into the man's balls. The mercenary doubled over, his grip loosening on his weapon. Jason then kicked the man in his armored knees and the mercenary toppled face first to the floor.

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz