FINAL CHAPTER: I Remember You, And Still Love You

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He gasped by sudden crying, not knowing what to do he hugged me. He whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry if I have met you, I don't even know why. No one will tell me, I wish I knew." I pulled away from him to see if he really was telling the truth, "Look Nath- Nate, but you need to get your memory back. I don't understand why you can't remember anything, but you need to get it back, where is your family.  Where are they?!" I was starting to freak out by everything that is going on.

He looked behind and there I saw his family: his mom, stepfather, and sister, all waiting for him in front of a church. He smiled weakly, "my family is waiting for me." I nodded slowly and backed away, "I'm sorry--." I looked at them as they were wondering who I am. "Nate! C'mon, it's about to start!" His sister, Jess, called out. I smile and start to walk away, "would you care to join?" His mother asked me. I have never actually met them, but have seen a picture of them when he was younger that was on his cell phone. I actually never knew he went to church. New thing, maybe? "Oh, no it's okay. I need to go somewhere actually," I told them, acting as if nothing happened.


I walked past the girl that was crying... about me. I don't even remember knowing the girl. I felt bad, but what I was supposed to do? Pretend like I know just to make her feel better? How is that supposed to help anybody? It's frustrating to me that the last thing I remember doing what lying on the couch in 2008 and just a few days ago I was released out of the hospital on today, October 31st, 2015. If anything, that is a huge block of no memory. I wonder what was so bad about that time. I read online, that if there was a bad memory that happened, you lose memory of everything that had anything to do with that memory. So I guess, something bad happened? But my family won't tell me why I was there, except for that one lame excuse, I was in a car accident with one of my friends and was in a coma for the past 7 years.

I rolled my eyes thinking about and walked into the church. This has been my first time to a church since forever. My family has never been such a church family until now. They told me that if it wasn't  for god I wouldn't be able to walk on Earth right now. Not exactly sure if that is true, but might as well go for the sake of my family. I sat down next to my sister and listen to preacher speak. I couldn't listen though. All I could think of was the girl that hugged me... Her scent. Where has that scent come from and how can I remember that scent? Could she be my ticket to rememberance? I looked at Jess as she was praying. I tilted my head. Maybe she had the same perfume.

30 minutes has passed and I am still trying to figure where that scent has come from. I have become more irritated and frustrated by the scent. I can still smell, as if she was sitting behind me. I looked over  at Jess while she was looking at the Preacher. Something... she needs to tell me something that had gone on for the past 7 years. i need to know something. I want to know what happened between those 7 years. Everytime I think of what happened betwixt those years: nothing. Nothing comes up. I can't think of anything that went on. Not the slightest thing. I closed my eyes and thought about the scent she had. I smelled my sister to see if she had any fragrant on. It was different. Jess had a more fruity type of perfume.

When the session was over and we headed to the food stand, I asked Jess what really happened in 2009. She just shrugged as if I was speaking some sort of a different language. I looked at her until she would give me a real answer. She is not going to get out of it this easily. She rolled her eyes., "Fine! But I can't tell you here because there is a lot of people watching." I look around and agree that there is a lot of people.

Jess told our parents that we were going to go to a café. We both walk to the one that is only a block away and she orders two cups of tea. She hands me one and we find seats outside behind the café building. I look at her waiting to hear the story. "You were in... you know the band. The Wanted," She whispers to me almost to where I couldn't hear anything. My jaw dropped, everything I keep getting from other people is true. How could I be so ignorant about this? I can't sing, that's the funniest thing out of all of this. I can't sing at all. My parents told me that my vocal chords might be a bit scratched up if I tried to scream or sing. I trusted them, knowing that what they said is true. But now, getting this new information from my very own sister telling me that I can sing. What can I believe?

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