The Chaos of Rumors

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The whole band had left Oregonto finish up the rest of their tour. It has been a week since they have been here and that we have seen them. I missed Nathan like crazy now. If this is how it is suppose to feel when you miss someone you like, then I hate it. It's the most worst feeling I have ever had. It's like when your mom has gotten into a car accident, but didn't survive and then you having to attend to the funeral. Except if my mom had gotten into a car accident and didn't survive I probably wouldn't go.

Hazel and I were getting ready to go to school, and on the way there I turned on our radio on my phone. "Nathan Sykes the youngest of the british boy band "The Wanted" was rumored that he had a scandal with one of the members girlfriends..." My mouth gaped by hearing that. I didn't know whether to believe that or not. He seemed so sweet, he didn't seem like a person that would just backstab his friend. I couldn't tell if it was real or not. Should I even believe in that type of stuff? I also don't want to be so naive about this type of stuff. What if it was true and I didn't believe it and then he turns around and backstabs me! I shook my head, I have a test today. I can't afford failing this test. Hazel was listening to it as well and just stared at me."Is this true?" I asked her. She opened her mouth, but then closed it and shook her head.

I shook my head and I started studying for my test. We got off the light rail in front of one of the PCC's. We walked down the hallway preparing. I couldn't stop thinking about Nathan and the rumor that we heard. I sat in my seat and waited for the test to be handed out. "Everyone please be generous to the ones around and be silent during the test," the teacher announced before handing out our test. And I began


I was whistling during our break before we started practicing again for Chicago, Illinois. Siva started running towards me, "Did you hear what they said about you?" I looked at him in a confused way, "who? What about me?" Siva takes out his phone and uploads an article from HuffingtonPost. I roll my eyes to see what they have to say about me this time.

"Nathan Sykes, Scandal?!" I read the headline. My eyes grew big, my jaw dropped. Was this even possible? "who did I have a scandal with?!" I exclaimed. I was furious with what they have written. Siva whispered "they said with Max's girlfriend." I gaped at him, "but..." I started to say. There was no way Max would believe that kind of stuff. He knows me. Max comes charging at me. He isn't the type of guy who picks a fight but he seemed to have a temper right now. "How could you!?" Max yelled from across the room. I looked at him, "do you really think I would have done that to you?!" I was really mad from him accusing me of something I would never do to my best bud.

Scooter, our manager, walked in, seeing as I am about to get beat up. "woah woah woah, what is going on in here?!" Siva walked over to Scooter to show him what was going on. "Is... This true?" Scooter looked at me like I was the bad guy. "oh yes," I said sarcastically. Scooter shook his head, "now is not the time to be joking. This is serious." Someone from our crew came running to Scooter, "there's a problem going on outside of the arena!" she told him. She whispered in his ear something and his eyes grew. He nods and motions for us to follow him. We all follow him to outside and we see a huge crowd of immature haters. Well at least towards me. I look at our manager for some type of empathy. Nope. None at all. The only one on my side was Jay, as of right now. I put my hands up in surrender, "fine. You can accuse me all you want but we need to go practice." I walk back into backstage. "There can't be a show if there are too many people that are hating on a band member," Max said to me. "What is that suppose to mean?" I turn to look at Max. Scooter looks at me sympathetically, "I think is trying to say that you should take a break."

My jaw drops, "you want me... Out?" They all nod. Jay comes over, "it's only for a while." "Like how long?" I look at all of them. "Until the rumor has faded away," Max has said. I shook my head. Everyone was against me that is what I could have sworn. Scooter comes over to me, "I think it's best if you stay in America so then nothing more can happen anywhere else. I put head down and make my way to one of the vans so then they take me to a hotel. I guess I'm going to have to stay there for a while.

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