A Golden Kiss

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Unfortunately, I had to see who was kissing me. I opened my eyes, I start screaming as I pushed him away, knowing that it was one of the beloved members of all. He looked surprised, "what? Did I come out too strong? Does my breath smell bad?" "N-No... I'm sorry I was in shock," I say to Nathan with my hands still on his chest. Jay chuckled to himself, "that didn't seem like it a few seconds ago." I glanced at him and then back at Nathan, "I'm sorry but this is so wrong of me." I look down and bring my knees to my chest and bury my face in my knees. "Why?" He asks me. I didn't dare look at him, I didn't want to after what had just happened. What I have done to my best friend... but then I thought, she wasn't even here.

If she doesn't know about it then it will be fine. Nathan was still looking at me waiting to tell him what was so wrong kissing him. "Well, I guess it's not that bad, but still," I tell him as trying to find a good enough reason why this kiss wasn't the best solution. I was trying to wait for Hazel to come to get out of this situation, but I haven't seen her. "Where did Hazel go?" I ask them. They all shrug looking around the room. "Well... anyways, you guys should go. You guys probably have a show to go to don't you?" I say to them. I was really tired, I just wanted to rest. They all looked at each other like that was a good idea. I had to stay the night at the hospital just for the doctors to make sure I am okay. I lay down and lay to the opposite side of Nathan. I heard him write something down with a pen and then they all left.

He probably just wrote something about where he is going to go to next. I wasn't exactly sure of what he does half the time besides singing and traveling. I closed my eyes and dreamt away. 

~The next morning~

I blink a few times before actually getting up. It was just me with nobody else in the hospital room. I look to see that there is a single red rose and then a piece of paper. I grab the paper to see who it was from:


  You are a very sweet girl, with a rough childhood where you don't seem to remember. Which is sort of good right? Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope to talk to you more. Here is my number: [*Insert Number Here*]. Please talk to me. We don't even have to be dating to talk to each other. Not unless... you know, you want to then that's totally fine too.


I read about 8 or 9 more times thinking about that kiss. If I really think about that kiss compared to my other kisses. That kiss was probably the best kiss I have ever had. Well, it is actually my first real kiss I have ever had in my entire life. Like I have had kisses on my cheek and like 5-20 second kisses. But that kiss was like a full minute kiss. He was quite brave for kissing me with the other band members there. I felt my cheeks getting red.

I searched for my phone in my bag, hoping it wasn't dead. One bar left of the battery, I quickly see if Hazel has said anything. Nope... nothing at all on my phone. I decided to call her.

"H-Hello?" Hazel sounding like I just woke her up.

"Oh. Sorry if you were still sleeping, but I was wondering if you could pick me up... please?" I ask her gently.

"Uh... sure" Hazel hung up. I got out of the bed and walked over to where my regular clothes were. I walked to the bathroom and changed into my clothes that I wore at the hospital. I looked at myself in the mirror after I had changed. I started to talk to myself, "should I tell Hazel what had happened last night?Or should I ignore what had happened last night and continue life like it was? But I can't do that-" My phone beeped telling me I got a message from Hazel. I looked at the message seeing that Hazel is here to pick me up. I walk outside of the bathroom and grabbed all my stuff. I look at the note and rose and decided whether to take it or not.

I walk out of the room with the rose in my hand. Before I reached it to the door I stuffed the rose and note into my purse and walk out. Since I had read that note many times before going into the bathroom I had already memorized the phone number. I decided that even though I probably wasn't going to see them ever again. I could at least talk to them over the phone to see what they are doing. 

I open the door to Hazel's car and got in. I put all my stuff on my lap and buckle the seat belt. "Thanks for the ride," I tell her looking forward. "Mhm," She said seeming still half asleep. We arrived home and I walked all the way to the bathroom to go take a shower.

After I have got out, changed, brushed my hair and teeth, and come to eat breakfast. I take out my phone to text Nathan. "Hey, its Ivy" I texted him.

"Heyyy, hows it goin? Do u feel better?" He replied back.

"I feel better now that i am out of the hospital and back to my life."

"well thats good. Since u r out of the hospital & r free to do watever u want, want to hang out 2day?"

"Is it ok if i bring hazel?"

"sure y not?"

I smile, "Hazel. Do you want to go out with me and Nathan today?" I ask her as she is looking through the refrigerator for some food. "Mm... I'm not gonna be a third-wheel am I?" Hazel asked me. I texted him asking him to bring one of the band members to come with us. "No. I made sure too. It'll be fun!" I told her. "Okay! I'll go," she looked at me excitedly.

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