Time and Space

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I've looked better, but I do seem better than this morning

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I've looked better, but I do seem better than this morning. I, however, had those two bruises on my face and the scratches appeared to be fading. I went over to the bathroom and brought out my concealer and brush. I carefully applied concealer to the bruises. After I finished, I threw away the empty bottle. I was going to need a new one. I sighed and gazed at the mirror. I ran a hand through my curls and pushed some strands behind my ear. I went back to my room and clutched my bag, jostling my homework inside. I grabbed my phone and my black beats my brother, Ahmad, gave me for my birthday last year. Ayham gave me the skateboard that I know had, and Amjad planted flour in my blow drier. Yeah, my birthdays were always memorable.

I strolled out of my room, leaving my skateboard. I experimented if I could take it to school. I had doubled over in agony when I had to bend and put a foot on the ground. I couldn't take my skateboard, so now I was walking to school and back. At least it wasn't a long walk. I grabbed a banana and my keys. I locked the door and started walking, eating my banana.


I opened my locker and took out my books for today, shoving my backpack inside. I had time before class began, so I decided to go to the library. I was approaching the library when someone grasped my arm. I stiffened and closed my eyes. A chill ran up my arm from where the person was touching. My eyes closed and breath ragged, I turned around. I was too scared to see whomever it was. I was scared it was Johnathan.

"Open your eyes, Amar." The person whispered.

It was an American accent so it couldn't be Johnathan or one of the boys. I was still scared. No one looks for me unless he or she is going to prank me or beat me.

"Open your eyes, Amar." The person whispered again. If they were going to prank me or beat me up, they would get to it. No one attempts to talk to me.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped. "Lynch! What are you doing here?!" I whispered/yelled.

"Why are we whispering?" He questioned in a hushed tone. I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the library, ignoring the tingles that ran through me.

The library was my only safe place. Besides having Charles there, no one else would dare come inside the library. People like the Barbie Wannabee's and the Sandoval twins believe the library is a gateway to purgatory, and wouldn't set a foot inside the library. I don't understand why considering they're the devil's spawns.

"Because someone could've heard us," I told him, letting go of his hand.

"What do you mean? We weren't doing anything." He said, crossing his arms. His muscles flexed through his leather jacket. I tore my eyes away from his, huge, biceps and looked up at him. His eyebrows were scrunched, and his electric blue orbs were gazing at my green ones.

"Amar, is this lad bothering you?" Charles questioned as he noticed the two of us standing in the centre of the library.

I spun around. "No, it's okay, Charles." I gave him a tiny smile.

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