
Once again my wolf was howling at me to be let free. Her mate was calling for her, his howl reaching my human ears, but I ignored it. At least I tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore. I let out a groan before throwing the covers off of me and crawling out of bed. I bit my lip as I tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs, sneaking outside. My bare feet moved across the dewy grass as made my way to the cover of the trees. My eyes scanned the surrounding area and I listened around me, only to not see or hear any pack members. I could only hope that the border patrol was on the other side of the territory.

A low growl echoed around me and my eyes met red ones. My breath got caught in my throat and fear coursed through my blood. Brute's wolf steps forward out of the shadows, his black fur being illuminated by the full moon. As soon as our eyes connected, the world around me seemed to completely disappear and instead everything felt dreamlike. It felt like we were the only two people in the world and there were no consequences, nothing to stop us from being together. I wanted that to be true, even for just the night, but I knew it couldn't be true. Everything was stopping us from being together. I was the runt of the pack; he was probably the most powerful wolf in the world. He was the Alpha of Rogues and killed people, something I could never forgive him for. Everything told me to leave him then and there, to reject him, but I couldn't. He was my mate and all I wanted to do was be with him. Maybe I could be with him for one night, if he wanted that.

"You shouldn't be here," I whispered, but my thoughts and actions were the complete opposite. I took a step forward as Brute's wolf narrowed his eyes at me, which made me regret my words. He shouldn't have been there, he shouldn't have been in my life in general, but that didn't stop me from wanting him there. I was right, there was no way that I could ever reject him. I wasn't strong enough to, but even if I wasn't I wasn't sure if I would have. I was a hopeless romantic, a teenager girl learning how to love through unrealistic novels. How unrealistic could they have been if I was a runt mated to the Alpha of Rogues? I was literally living in a book. A nightmare come true.

Brute's wolf seemed to notice that what I said was a lie and he carefully walked over to me. I knew I should have been scared at a beast heading right towards me, but I was still focused on the fact everything felt like a dream. If this was a dream, there was no way for Brute to hurt me. There would be no consequences.

I lifted my hand once Brute was right in front of me, his power radiating off of him in waves. His nostrils flared as he sniffed my hand before licking it with his wet tongue. My nose scrunched up in slight disgust, but I composed myself and moved my hand to the top of his head. Brute's wolf stiffened at my touch, but soon his body relaxed as I started scratching his head, moving to behind his ear. His tail slightly wagged at the intense amount of pleasure I was sure his wolf was feeling. It was cute. Adorable. Something that I knew Brute himself would hate.

I smiled slightly as the wolf pushed up against me, rubbing his head against my cheek. He whined, the sound causing my heart to squeeze.

"What's the matter?" I whispered, causing him to let out another whine. He pulled out of me arms and backed up slightly, raising up to his full height. Within a second a wolf no longer stood in front of me, instead Brute was naked with a blank look on his face.

"He wants you to shift," He told me, his voice distorted with growls rumbling in his chest. His body shook, showing that he was trying his best to hold back his wolf long enough to talk to me. His wolf wanted to be with his mate, but clearly needed Brute to tell me what he wanted.

I went to stand up and nod but hesitated when a thought popped into my head. As much as everything felt like a dream, I knew running off with Brute in wolf form was not a good idea. While I knew Brute himself wouldn't hurt me, at least I was pretty sure he wouldn't, Brute's wolf was a different story. I wasn't stupid, I knew what male wolves wanted to do. Why did their wolves always take over when it came to marking their mate? That was all the wolf side wanted to do, mark what was theirs. If I shifted and ran off with Brute's wolf, there was a good chance I would come back fully mated, if I even came back at all. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't run off with my mate.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I admitted. Something flashed through his eyes but it was gone before I even had a chance to try to figure out what it was. Instead I watched as he advanced towards me, his red eyes not matching his body. I stood completely frozen until Brute was inches away from me, his head swooping down so his mouth was close to my ear. My body involuntarily gravitated closer to him, especially when his hands rested against my cheeks.

"This isn't a good idea?" He questioned before his lips were on mine. Fireworks exploded between us as our lips moved in sync. The way it felt, I was no longer sure why it wasn't a good idea. It felt perfect, like it was what I should do. Shouldn't I be with my mate? If we were going to accept each other, I would have to leave my pack eventually to be with him. How exactly would that work? Would I join his pack of murderous rogues? How could I leave my brother for that? That was an easy answer: I couldn't.

"I really want it to be," I muttered, pulling my lips away from his. I looked up at his face and had to do a double take when I noticed understanding shining in his eyes. Before I knew it, his arms were wrapped around me and I was in his embrace. With his arms around me, I felt safe. Like I could run off and be with him, but I wasn't stupid enough to run off with him. At least not yet.

"We'll make it work," He reassured me, once again surprising me. The crazier thing was that the reassurance worked and I suddenly felt like I could actually be with him. One way or another, we could make this work. 

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