Step Seven

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Step Seven

"Are you sure it's a good idea that I go?" I asked Lucas when we pulled up to the church. People wearing black were already entering the building to pay their respects, which meant that Lucas was late. I wasn't terribly sure why he didn't ride with our parents instead of dragging me along, seeing as he should have been one of the first people to arrive as future Alpha.

"It'll be fine, I promise,' He reassured me. He sent me a small smile as he parked the car and I returned it, even if it wasn't genuine. I wasn't terribly sure it would be fine, especially since this was Kevin and Abby's funeral. They hated me with a burning passion, which everyone knew. What everyone didn't know was that I was partly responsible for their deaths. Sure I didn't actually kill them, but they were dead because of me. As much as I wanted to believe they deserved it, they didn't. They were high schoolers being regular teenagers, they should have been able to live out the rest of their lives together. Yet they were killed in cold blood by my mate and I wasn't sure if I could ever forgive myself for that.

I took in a deep breath and forced myself to get out of the vehicle, following behind Lucas into the church. There still was some time before the ceremony started and people were still piling in, but I didn't miss the way some of the Elders, along with our parents, sending Lucas a disapproving look. Lucas ignored them and instead let a mask of solemn slide over his face as we made our way towards the grieving parents.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Lucas said once we reached them. Even though they knew that Lucas wasn't responsible for their child's death, both set of parents were tense at their soon to be Alpha's words. The fathers hid their emotions as they shook Lucas's hand, but the mothers didn't even care to hide their anger.

"You two shouldn't be here," Abby's mom hissed. Her mate was quick to drop his hand on her shoulder and pull her back, directing her away from us.

"Go sit next to our parents," Lucas whispered in my ear. I gave him a small nod before crossing the room to sit next to my mother. My eyes wandered the room as I made my way across it, scanning the faces. A few of Abby's close friends sat near the front, still looking as pretty as always even though they were mourning. They whispered to each other, but stopped when I passed in front of them. Their glares followed my every move and I quickened my pace to get away from them.

"What's she doing here?" I heard one of them hiss.

"Abby would never have wanted her here," Another one said. She was right, Abby would throw a fit if she knew I was attending her funeral. The only reason I was there was because I was the Alpha's daughter and it would look bad on him if his own daughter missed a classmate's funeral.

"Hey sweetie," My mom greeted me when I sat down next to her. I gave her a small smile before turning my attention to Lucas. I attempted to focus my wolf hearing on what he was saying to the grieving parents, but they spoke in hush tones. The parents still didn't look happy by the time Lucas turned away from them and made his way over to us.

"Hey Lucas," A girl stepped in front of Lucas before he could make his way into the pew. I recognized the girl right away as one of Abby's friends, but I couldn't quite remember her name. While I thought she would dislike Lucas from the way he protected me against Abby and Kevin, but the smile she was giving him was definitely far from being hateful.

"Hey Cindy," Lucas replied. He glanced over her head and his eyes met mine. I wiggled my eyebrows at him, which he rolled his eyes at. Cindy spun her head around, no doubt to see what Lucas was rolling his eyes at, and her eyes landed on me. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at me before turning back to my brother.

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