• Chapter 1 •

Start from the beginning

I nod as the bell rang and class started. I felt something hitting my chair. I looked down to see Guanlin's foot kicking my chair. I turned around and whispered to Guanlin.

"Can you please stop kicking my chair?"

"Not my problem."

I give him an angry face and he imitates me. I turn back around with his foot still kicking my chair.


After class ended, everyone head towards the cafeteria. We got our lunch and sat down to eat.

"What were you and the foreign guy talking about?"Sohye asks.

"We tried to listen, but we don't understand the first part because you guys spoke in English,"Chaeyeon says.

"I just asked if he's new and told him that he could sit down."

In the corner of my eyes I see someone sit next to me. I look and see that it was Guanlin, sitting where Jihoon usually sits.

"My friend sits there,"I told him.

"I don't see him here, nor do I see his name,"Guanlin says.

"Well I'm here now."

I heard Jihoon's voice behind me.  I turn around to see him crossing his arms.

"Get out of my seat."

"I don't see your name on it."

Jihoon pointed to the seat next to me and Guanlin put his arms up and moved to the seat next to Jihoon. Jihoon smiled and sat down.

"Where's your lunch, Jihoon?"I asks.

"I'm not hungry today."

"Jihoon, do that catchphrase that you do now,"Sohye requests.

"Yes, it's so funny,"Chaeyeon says.

"Nae maeum soge jeojang."

Everyone laughs, but I see that Guanlin didn't have a good expression

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Everyone laughs, but I see that Guanlin didn't have a good expression. Instead, he had a very disgusted face. Suddenly, I see Jinyoung come and sit down next to Sohye.

"There you finally are,"I say to him,"What happened to your friend group?"

"Too much for me. I don't want to be like them,"Jinyoung answers.

Jinyoung looks at Guanlin, who was eating quickly, and pointed at him.

"Who's this?"

"Lai Guanlin from..."I forgot where he was from.

"Taipei, Taiwan,"Guanlin finishes for me.

We continue to eat until the bell rings. We go back to our class and the boring lessons begin again.


The dismissal bell finally rang and everyone rushed out the classroom.  Sohye, Chaeyeon, and I walked out of the school and saw Guanlin at the school gates, just standing there.  We walk up to him because he looked confused.

"Can't find your way home?"I asked.

"Yeah, I can, but I want to see the town more, wanna take me somewhere?"Guanlin asked.

"What about the mall?"Chaeyeon asked.

"You are in love with the mall, but okay,"Sohye answers.

I don't worry about having to tell Jinyoung and Jihoon since they both have after school activities.  Guanlin was fine with going to the mall, so we all started to walk to the mall.


About thirty minutes later, we arrive at the mall and we head straight in and looked around in stores.  We ate something at the food court and looked around in more stores.

"I don't really like malls,"Guanlin said.

"And I don't like it when people stand so close to me,"I said pushing Guanlin a little.

"I'll just stand even closer than,"Guanlin said as he stood by me even closer.

This boy is so annoying!

We decided to head out the mall since it was starting to get late.  When we were about to leave, I heard someone yell my name.

"Na-Ri Ah!"

I turned around to see someone I was so shocked to see.

"Guess who's back!"

It was Yoo Seonho, my best friend that moved away 4 years ago.  I let out a squeal and ran into his arms that were open.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too."


A/N: Boring first chapter, I know. It'll get better. You just have to wait till the next chapter. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this first chapter of The Foreign Student. Btw, I had to put that gif of Jihoon doing his catchphrase because why not. Please tune into more of these chapters. They will get better!!!

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