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I would be lying if I said I didn't feel any guilt wrapping that bag around Josh's neck, watching his head shake with horror and struggle. I make sure to lessen my grip when the twitching slows simply because I have no intentions of letting the boy die.

In fact, that's the exact opposite of what I want.

But I have to remain strong and calm. I have to go along with the plan, no matter how much it may hurt me and my friends.

I feel a small buzz vibrate from my pocket as I slowly pull out my phone. I click the on button and stare at the screen while gulping. Hopefully this doesn't go too far. I click on the new message:

Is the coast clear?

I respond with a simple:


Next thing I know, I hear locks being undone on the wooden door, and he steps out into the room. His gaze immediately shifts between the two frozen bodies lying on the ground as he walks closer. I watch as he kneels next to them, crouching down to the dry-blood covered tiles while examining their breathing patterns.

"Still alive..." he mutters. "Jenna, I thought I ordered you to put an end to Josh after he killed that Y/N girl for us. I want my dramatic factors."

I gulp as I bite my lip. "Josh didn't kill her. Even after the torture we put him through, he still couldn't escalate it that far." I watch as he scowls at Josh's limp body.

I watch as Mark kicks Josh's motionless side out of frustration.

"Even after all of that practically brainwashing torture we put him through, he is still emotionally attached to her. Even after we tricked his mind into thinking she was the enemy, the one who put him here, he still couldnt kill her...?"

I stare at the ground with a look of disappointment, but inwardly I'm celebrating this victory. From here on out, I have to play my cards right to make sure these two stay alive through all this. Even with that, I have to make sure that I obey Mark to the best of my abilities.

Tyler's life depends on it

"So instead of two dead bodies, we have two very alive, yet injured, ones." Mark states with disgust. I simply nod my head as he paces the room, trying to figure out something occupying his brain.

Then he freezes and his eyes twinkle.


"This could work out for the better for us, my dearest Jenna."

I shudder at what he calls me, but I keep it together in order to keep playing my part.

"Instead of the epic, dramatic death scene we wanted to unfold here tonight- now we have something better!" His face is all smiley and happy. It scares me.

He walks closer to me and grabs a few strands of my hair. I watch with disgust as he twirls them between his fingers. "Now we can use these two to not only end that unfair band and gain tons and tons of cash for my own use, but also to waltz your husband to his fatal end."

My blood runs cold as he crouches down in front of me, our faces so close that our noses almost touch.

"Then, my sweet Jenna, we can not only finally have justice, but we can also be together with no little pests...



Y'all confused or what? 😏

***FACT: dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate I don't make the r u l e s

Message Man | Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now