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My eyes slowly flutter open only to see pure white above me. I shift my head slightly and see a corner as I move my hand only to feel the familiar texture of a bed sheet.

"How do you feel, ma'am?" A timid young man asks from my side, holding a cup of water.

"Decent," I mutter as I take the plastic cup from him, letting the cold liquid slide down my throat. I imagine the drink erasing the lie that just came from my mouth.


Yeah fucking right. It feels like my world has just collapsed around me.

"You passed out for unknown reasons in a corner near the enterance. A lady found you there and was worried, so she rolled you inside and we placed you on a bed to rest." The man uses his fingers to comb through his hair. "You have a guest outside; he seems worried. He has brown hair and tan skin. Average height. Do you know him?"

"Yeah I know him," I mumble. The characteristics describe Tyler.

"Good! I'll send him in!" The man leaves the room and I fall back onto the bed, my head colliding with the soft white pillows. A moment later, Tyler walks in with a look of stress scribbled all over his face. We make eye contact and he gives me a scowl.

"Next time before you pass out can you give me a minute to finish my fucking sentences?" Tyler walks right next to the bed and I sit up, my head tilted in confusion.

"Josh is missing. That's what I meant by gone. He's not dead." Tyler states, still frowning.

Even though it's still horrible that he's missing, I feel a weight lift from my chest. He isn't dead.

"Well... We at least think he isn't dead... it's a long story. The police are searching right now."

"What happened?" I mutter, goosebumps forming on my skin.

"There's literally no evidence so far that points to what happened..." I see Tyler's eyes fall to the floor. "The police couldn't find anything other than a broken lightbulb. There were some bloody shards with Josh's blood in them... Apparently Josh tried calling the police but the call was hung up almost immediately after. They trailed the address and found nothing but the broken light and an unused knife on his bed..."

"Josh has been letting me use his room," I blurt out. "There's never been a knife there for any reason, and the light was fine before I left..."

"They kinda figured that the room was normal earlier, Y/N. They aren't stupid," Tyler shrugs. "For now you can stay with us at our place. Hopefully they'll find him soon enough. There's nothing we can do at the moment and it irritates me..."

"Is there really nothing?" I lean closer to him, my palms resting flat on the comforter. "Are we really so stuck that we have to wait this out? What if they don't find him... What if they never get evidence... What if-"

Tyler's hands rest on my shoulders.

"Y/N, I need you to listen to me," his dark, brown eyes piercing into my own. "Panicking won't do anything right now. I'm just as, if not more, scared as you... We need to stay safe. We need to stay secure. And we need to stay sane. Can you do that?"

I pause, my breath hitching.

"Can you do this for me, Y/N? Can you let the police take care of this situation instead of meddling? It will only put you in harm." Tyler's grip on me gets tighter as I see small beads of water forming in the corner of his eyes.

"Can you do these things for me

...for Josh..."

Before I can even nod in agreement, I hear a familiar yet bone chilling ring. My phone is placed on a white table across the room, paired with my purse. The man must have brought them in earlier while I was still asleep. I hear Tyler sigh as both of our eyes glare at the lit up screen. Hesitantly, Tyler walks over and slowly brings me the device, turning it over so he can't see the notifications.

Once the phone is in my palms I feel a ball form in my throat. I look up at Ty and see him biting his lips in anxiousness. He too must know that the sound that just went off is the Fairly Local app.

I open my phone and click the notification, only to be greeted with a horrifically familiar screen.

Redbullboy: this is all your fault, Y/N.


***FACT: I'm gonna be alone and depressed for valentines day. Anyone care to join me in self pity?

Also, this be me:

Hi. I'm trash... nice to meet you.

Message Man | Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now